11th Birthday

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The Potter household was abuzz with an air of excitement on the morning of Harry's 11th birthday. James and Lily Potter, alive and well, had gone to great lengths to make this day special for their son. The table was adorned with colourful decorations, and a tantalising aroma wafted from the kitchen where Lily was busy preparing a birthday feast.

Harry, still in his pyjamas, ambled into the kitchen with a yawn. The scene that greeted him was beyond his wildest dreams. Balloons of every colour adorned the room, and a banner stretched across the wall proclaimed, "Happy 11th Birthday, Harry!" The tantalising smell of pancakes and bacon filled the air.

Lily, wearing her apron and a mischievous grin, turned to him. "Happy birthday, sweetheart! Today is going to be extraordinary."

Just as Harry was about to express his amazement, the fireplace erupted with green flames. In a whirlwind of excitement, James, Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black tumbled out, dressed in outrageous party hats and brandishing wrapped presents.

"Harry, my boy!" boomed James, scooping him up in a bear hug. "Happy birthday!"

Remus and Sirius joined in the jubilation, each presenting their gifts with a theatrical flourish. The room erupted in laughter and chaotic energy as they competed to outdo each other in the gift-giving department.

"Open mine first, Harry," Sirius insisted, thrusting a large, oddly shaped package into his hands.

Harry tore away the wrapping paper to reveal a prank box of Wizard Wheezes products, causing peals of laughter from the trio.

"Not bad, Padfoot, but you've got nothing on this!" declared James, presenting a miniature model of the Marauder's Map.

Remus, always the thoughtful one, handed Harry a leather-bound book on magical creatures with a heartfelt note.

As the festivities continued, there was a sudden ruckus at the front door. Hagrid, the giant of a man with a heart as soft as his size suggested, barged in, holding a tattered piece of parchment. The familiar Hogwarts seal adorned it.

"Harry, my boy! Yer a wizard!" Hagrid exclaimed, a twinkle in his eyes.

The revelation sparked a fresh wave of celebration. James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius were beside themselves with excitement, dancing around the room and chanting, "Hogwarts! Hogwarts!"

Hagrid, grinning from ear to ear, explained the magical wonders awaiting Harry. The trio of friends couldn't contain their enthusiasm, regaling him with tales of their own Hogwarts adventures, including the infamous Marauder's Map.

The day unfolded into a whirlwind of magical shenanigans, chaotic fun, and celebrations that Harry would remember forever. Amidst the laughter and joy, James and Lily marvelled at the magical world that lay ahead of their son. As the clock struck midnight, the household was filled with the echoes of laughter, the clinking of glasses, and the promise of a magical journey that awaited Harry at Hogwarts.

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