Scented Secrets

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The Hogwarts Potions classroom buzzed with anticipation as students meticulously brewed amortentia. The air was thick with the fragrance of each individual's deepest desires.

Late to the party, Draco Malfoy made a grand entrance, his trademark swagger on full display. As the door creaked open, he couldn't help but wrinkle his nose at the peculiar scent that saturated the room.

"Why does the room smell like it's drenched in Hermione's stinky perfume?" Draco quipped, the words escaping his mouth before he fully comprehended the atmosphere.

A sudden hush fell over the room as everyone, including Hermione and Professor Snape, turned to stare at the Slytherin Prince. Unfazed, Draco met their collective gaze with a raised eyebrow, oblivious to the brewing tension.

Harry, breaking the silence, decided to enlighten Draco. "This is Amortentia. It smells differently to everyone according to what attracts them."

Draco's face transformed through various shades of red as he stammered, "I— I didn't know, I mean... Why is that even a thing?!"

Ron, with a barely concealed smirk, seized the opportunity to chime in. "Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world, Malfoy. It smells like the things that attract us the most."

"Now, do tell, Hermione, what do you smell?" Ginny teased her friend.

Laughter and whispers erupted in the classroom as Hermione turned a deep shade of red and Draco attempted to regain his composure. His dismissive scoff only drew more attention, his embarrassment now palpable.

Pansy Parkinson, seated nearby, couldn't resist teasing. "Looks like someone's got a secret crush!"

A scowl from Draco couldn't dispel the knowing glances and the revelation that lingered in the air like the scent of amortentia. The usually composed Slytherin found himself navigating the rest of the lesson under the watchful eyes of his amused classmates.

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