A Sirius Mistake

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The nursery glowed softly in the dim light, and James Potter, feeling the weight of sleepiness, cradled baby Harry in his arms. The little one, with tufts of unruly black hair, blinked up at his father with sleepy eyes. James, with a yawn that betrayed his own exhaustion, laid Harry in the crib.

"Mmm, goodnight, Harry," James whispered, mistakenly draping the Invisibility Cloak over his son, thinking it was a blanket. In his half-asleep state, he tiptoed out of the room, leaving the enchanted cloak to conceal the baby.

Lily, occupied with chores elsewhere in the house, wasn't aware of James's little mix-up. Hours later, when she decided to check on Harry, a frown creased her forehead. The crib appeared empty.

"James, have you taken Harry somewhere?" Lily called out, a hint of concern in her voice.

James, now fully awake, appeared in the doorway, looking puzzled. "What do you mean? He should be in the crib, sleeping."

Lily gestured to the crib, her eyes widening. "Well, he's not there. Did you take him out for some reason?"

A flicker of realisation crossed James's face when he saw that the table where he had placed the Invisibility Cloak was empty. "Oh, Merlin. I might have... I used the Invisibility Cloak thinking it was his blanket."

Lily's concern shifted to a mix of amusement and disbelief. "You wrapped him in the Invisibility Cloak? How did you not notice?"

James scratched his head sheepishly. "It felt like a blanket in the dark. I didn't think twice."

Their expressions, a mix of concern and confusion, betrayed the worry that gripped their hearts. Baby Harry, usually nestled in his crib at this hour, was nowhere to be found.

They tried to find Harry in his crib and around the house for hours but little did they know, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, Harry's godfathers, had arrived earlier for a surprise visit and the mischievous wizards couldn't resist playing with baby Harry and took him out for a stroll.

"James, where could he be? Did you check the living room?" Lily's voice wavered with unease as they combed through the familiar spaces.

James, frantically running a hand through his hair, replied, "I've looked everywhere. He's not in his crib, not in the living room. I don't understand..."

Just as panic threatened to fully set in, the front door creaked open. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, Harry's godparents, stepped into the house. Their expressions shifted from casual greetings to concern as they took in the distress on James and Lily's faces.

"What's going on?" Sirius asked, glancing between the worried parents.

Lily, her eyes wide with apprehension, spoke up, "We can't find Harry anywhere. We've looked everywhere, and he's just gone."

Remus, his gaze thoughtful, exchanged a knowing look with Sirius. "Perhaps he crawled out of the window near his crib, did you check the backyard?"

Just as despair threatened to take hold, Sirius stepped forward, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Well, I believe I have something you might be looking for."

With a dramatic flourish, Sirius produced Harry from behind his back. The baby, giggling and kicking his tiny legs, seemed to thoroughly enjoy the unexpected game of hide-and-seek.

Relief washed over James and Lily's faces as Sirius presented Harry to them. Lily, her voice a mix of exasperation and laughter, scolded, "Sirius, you scared us half to death! Where did you find him?"

Sirius chuckled, revealing his playful secret. "I came over earlier, he was on the window sill, feeling adventurous, I suppose. Thought I'd take him for a stroll."

As James and Lily sighed in relief, Sirius handed baby Harry back to his parents. "He's quite the little explorer, just like his dad."

Remus chuckled, adding, "He seemed pleased with his little outing. Apologies for the scare, but it looks like Harry just wanted to add a bit of excitement to the evening."

James, now cradling a happily babbling Harry, couldn't help but join in the laughter. The sudden twist of events had turned their worry into a shared moment of amusement. As the tension eased, Sirius and Remus shared knowing glances, understanding that parenthood often came with unexpected surprises.

The Potter household, once filled with concern, now echoed with the relieved laughter of reunited family and friends. The memory of James' mishap and Harry's playful adventure would become a cherished tale, a reminder that even in moments of worry, a touch of humour and the support of loved ones could turn a potentially distressing situation into a heartwarming anecdote.

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