Detention Dilemma

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The dungeons of Hogwarts were shrouded in an eerie silence as Severus Snape meticulously graded a stack of parchments in his dimly lit office. The Potions Master, known for his stern demeanour, had fallen prey to an unexpected prank orchestrated by none other than Harry Potter. The elusive charm had left his usually well-manicured hair in disarray, earning a rare smirk from the mischievous Gryffindor.

When Snape learned of Harry's involvement in the prank, he decided on a punishment that went beyond the usual detention. With a flick of his wand, he summoned Harry to his office, where the infamous duo of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy would face the consequences of their actions.

The door creaked open, revealing a glowering Snape as Harry and Draco entered cautiously. Snape's sharp gaze swept over them with the intensity of a basilisk, and the atmosphere grew heavy with an impending reprimand.

"Potter," Snape sneered, "it seems your penchant for mischief knows no bounds. As for you, Malfoy, I assume you were the brains behind this operation."

Draco, adopting an air of feigned innocence, replied, "Oh, Professor, you give me too much credit. I merely offered a few suggestions."

Snape's scowl deepened, but his attention shifted to the matter at hand. "Mr. Potter, your wand."

With a reluctant sigh, Harry handed over his wand. Snape inspected it with a critical eye before placing it in a secure drawer. "Consider this a lesson in respect for authority. You will not retrieve your wand until the end of the week. Now, off to your respective common rooms."

As Harry and Draco exited Snape's office, a determined glint sparked in Draco's silver eyes. "We can't let this stand, Potter. We need that wand back."

Harry smirked, the challenge resonating with the thrill of rebellion. "Agreed, Malfoy. Tonight, we break into Snape's office."

Later that evening, under the cover of invisibility cloaks, Harry and Draco sneaked into the dimly lit corridor leading to Snape's office. The door was locked, but Draco expertly bypassed the charms, revealing the meticulously organised sanctuary of the Potions Master.

As they approached the drawer containing Harry's confiscated wand, Snape's voice echoed through the corridor. "Ah, Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy, how unsurprising."

Caught red-handed, the duo turned to face Snape, whose expression was a mixture of disdain and satisfaction.

"I should have known you two would attempt such foolishness," Snape sneered. "Detention, both of you, and twenty points from Gryffindor and Slytherin."

Their plan foiled, Harry and Draco exchanged resigned glances. The price for their escapade was steep, but as they followed Snape to serve their detention, a shared smirk conveyed the unspoken understanding that they would try everything in their power to make Snape regret catching them.

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