Muggle Delights

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Under the night sky, the vibrant lights of the muggle carnival illuminated the surroundings. Harry, with a mischievous grin, led Draco through the bustling crowd towards the entrance.

Draco eyed the colourful Ferris wheel sceptically. "Potter, I hope you're aware that magical folk don't generally trust contraptions that spin for the sake of it."

Harry laughed, clapping Draco on the shoulder. "Relax, Draco. Muggles have been enjoying these for years. It's called a Ferris wheel, and it's not dangerous."

As they waited in line, Draco couldn't help but observe the laughter and excitement around him. The sound of children's laughter and the scent of popcorn filled the air. Soon, it was their turn to board.

The Ferris wheel slowly ascended, offering a breathtaking view of the carnival below. Draco, clinging to the side of the carriage, tried to maintain his composure.

Draco: Potter, I swear if you're enjoying this, I'll hex you!

Harry: Come on, Draco! Look at the view. It's incredible!

As the wheel descended, Draco stepped off, slightly wobbly. "I suppose it was tolerable."

Harry grinned. "Just wait, the night is young."

Next, they approached a carousel. Draco eyed it warily, looking at the painted horses and flashing lights.

Draco: Potter, why are these horses not moving on their own?

Harry: It's just for fun, Draco. You ride them and enjoy the music.

Reluctantly, Draco mounted a stationary horse, shooting suspicious glances at the enchanted music playing in the background. Harry then removed a camera from his pocket and pointed it at Draco.

Harry: Smile, Draco! We're capturing memories here.

Draco: If this ends up in the Daily Prophet, Potter, you'll regret it.

Their next stop was the food stalls. Draco eyed the vendors with scepticism.

Harry: Try this, Draco.

Draco: So we eat this?

Harry: Yes! It's called cotton candy.

Draco: It's pink and extremely fluffy.

Harry: I know, just give it a try; it's a carnival classic.

Draco cautiously took a bite, his expression shifting from uncertainty to fascination to delight.

Draco: It just DISAPPEARED!

Harry: Well, it dissolves...

Draco: What kind of magic is THIS?

Harry: It's not...

Draco: This... this is surprisingly delightful!! We need to get more! Can we bring it home? Father would love this...

Harry: Yes, of course we can. Muggles have some good tricks up their sleeves, don't they?

As they walked through the carnival, Draco's initial scepticism transformed into genuine enjoyment. He found himself enticed by the whimsical charm of the muggle world.

Draco: Potter, I must admit, this... carnival is rather entertaining.

Harry: Told you, Draco. Muggle fun isn't that bad.

They continued exploring the carnival, trying out various rides and treats, the laughter of both wizards echoing through the night, creating memories neither of them would soon forget.

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