Thanksgiving Feast

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The Burrow, the cosy and slightly crooked home of the Weasley family, was bustling with warmth and activity as Thanksgiving Day unfolded. The aroma of roasting turkey and the laughter of family and friends filled the air. Harry, Draco, and Hermione, invited by the Weasleys, joined in the celebration, surrounded by the unmistakable sense of familial love.

As they entered the Burrow, the welcoming chaos of the Weasley household enveloped them. Mrs. Weasley, her wand expertly managing multiple pots and pans, greeted them with a motherly smile.

"Harry, dear! Draco, Hermione! So glad you could join us for Thanksgiving!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed, giving each of them a warm hug.

The trio exchanged smiles, feeling the genuine hospitality that radiated from the Burrow. The Weasley siblings, with their characteristic red hair and spirited personalities, welcomed Harry, Draco, and Hermione with open arms.

Ron, with a mischievous grin, pulled Draco into the midst of a spirited game of Exploding Snap, while Fred and George, the twins, were busy enchanting the table decorations to dance a lively jig. Hermione, already immersed in a conversation with Ginny, helped Mrs. Weasley set the table.

As the day progressed, the Weasleys shared stories and laughter, creating an atmosphere of familial warmth that transcended the differences in their backgrounds. The aroma of pumpkin pie and the crackling of the fireplace added to the cosy ambiance.

The long wooden table was adorned with a feast that showcased Mrs. Weasley's magical culinary prowess. Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and an assortment of magical dishes tempted the senses, promising a Thanksgiving feast to remember.

As they gathered around the table, Mr. Weasley raised his goblet for a toast. "To family, old friends, and new ones who have become family. Happy Thanksgiving!"

The clinking of goblets resonated through the room, and the laughter that followed echoed the sentiment of gratitude. The magical ceiling of the Burrow, charmed to mirror the outside sky, showcased a breathtaking sunset, casting warm hues over the festivities.

Harry, Draco, and Hermione found themselves absorbed in the joyous celebration, realising that the bonds of friendship and the magic of togetherness could create a home away from home. The Weasleys, with their unique brand of hospitality, had seamlessly woven them into the fabric of their Thanksgiving celebration.

As the evening wore on, the group indulged in the delights of Mrs. Weasley's pumpkin pie, a dessert that seemed to encapsulate the essence of the season. Around the fireplace, stories were shared, jokes were exchanged, and the Burrow echoed with the harmonious laughter of a chosen family coming together on this special Thanksgiving Day.

As the night settled in, the trio felt a profound sense of gratitude for the unexpected family they had found in the Weasleys. The warmth of the Burrow, illuminated by the flickering candlelight, became a cherished memory, etching the magic of Thanksgiving into their hearts.

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