Christmas Eve

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Christmas Eve at the Potter household was filled with warmth and laughter. The living room glowed with the light of a crackling fireplace, adorned with festive decorations and the scent of holiday delights. Lily Potter, with an apron tied around her waist, orchestrated the kitchen symphony, preparing a lavish Christmas feast for her son and his friends.

In the living room, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger sat on plush couches, sharing stories and laughter. The camaraderie that had developed among them at Hogwarts extended beyond the castle walls, especially during the holiday season.

James Potter, with a twinkle in his eye, entered the room bearing a tray of steaming mugs of hot cocoa. "To warm your bones on this chilly Christmas Eve!" he declared, distributing the mugs adorned with whipped cream and festive sprinkles.

As the friends sipped their cocoa, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black entered, both bearing armfuls of ornaments and strings of colourful lights. Sirius, the more boisterous of the two, proclaimed, "Time to turn this place into a winter wonderland!"

The group joined forces to transform the Potter residence into a festive haven. Draco and Ron, usually on opposite sides at Hogwarts, found common ground as they hung ornaments and bickered over the placement of tinsel. Hermione, armed with magical wreaths and enchanted snowflakes, added her meticulous touch to the decorations.

Lily, having finished preparing the feast, emerged from the kitchen with a warm smile. "Dinner will be ready soon, but first, let's exchange gifts."

James handed out beautifully wrapped packages, each bearing the recipient's name. Draco received a set of magically enhanced quills, Ron got a collection of joke products, and Hermione unwrapped a leather-bound book filled with ancient magical recipes.

As they exchanged gifts, the bonds of friendship strengthened, transcending the differences that once defined them. The joyous atmosphere continued as they moved to the dining room, where Lily had prepared a feast fit for a magical Christmas celebration.

The table was adorned with festive candles and enchanted decorations that sparkled with holiday magic. Turkey, roast vegetables, and an array of magical dishes filled the air with tantalising aromas. As they gathered around the table, the friends reflected on the year gone by and shared tales of their adventures at Hogwarts.

The evening concluded with laughter and shared memories. Lily, James, Remus, and Sirius, despite the challenges they had faced in the past, revelled in the joy of having Harry and his friends around for Christmas.

As the clock struck midnight, signalling the arrival of Christmas Day, the Potter household radiated with the magic of the season. The friends, bound by the enchantment of the holidays, exchanged heartfelt wishes, grateful for the warmth of friendship that transcended house rivalries and brought them together on this magical Christmas Eve.

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