New Beginnings

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The dungeons of Hogwarts echoed with the hushed whispers of Slytherin students as they made their way to their common room. Hermione Granger, usually confident and headstrong, felt a sense of unease as she navigated through the dimly lit corridors. The cruel words, "Mudblood," lingered in the air, a poison that tarnished the otherwise serene atmosphere.

A group of Slytherin students, led by the notorious Pansy Parkinson, had taken it upon themselves to harass Hermione. The derogatory term echoed in her ears, a painful reminder of the prejudice she had hoped to escape at Hogwarts. Her steps quickened, but the shadows seemed to elongate, wrapping her in a cloak of vulnerability.

As the taunts escalated, Draco Malfoy, clad in his Slytherin robes, emerged from a side passage. His sharp eyes caught the tension in the air, and a frown creased his usually composed features. Pansy and her accomplices grinned wickedly, revelling in their perceived superiority.

"Hermione, what a surprise to find you in our territory," Pansy sneered, her tone dripping with malice.

The Slytherin common room door loomed ahead, an elusive sanctuary that seemed miles away to Hermione. The sneers intensified, and the oppressive atmosphere threatened to suffocate her.

Just as the situation seemed dire, Draco stepped forward. His voice, usually cool and aloof, carried a hint of authority as he addressed the tormentors. "Enough, Parkinson. Leave her alone."

Pansy turned to Draco with a mocking grin. "Why, Draco? Is this Mudblood your newfound friend? Have you abandoned your principles?"

Draco's gaze hardened, and his tone brooked no argument. "I won't stand by while you harass someone for no reason. Back off."

Pansy hesitated, her bravado momentarily faltering in the face of Draco's unexpected intervention. The other Slytherins exchanged uncertain glances, unsure how to proceed.

Draco stepped between Hermione and her tormentors, creating a protective barrier. "Leave, now. I won't repeat myself."

The group, sensing the authority in Draco's demeanour, dispersed reluctantly. As they slinked away, Draco turned to Hermione, a rare sincerity in his eyes. "Are you alright, Granger?"

Hermione, still shaken, nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Malfoy. I didn't expect... that."

Draco, ever enigmatic, offered a small, dismissive shrug. "Don't get too used to it. Since I had invited you here, I had to keep the honour of my guest."

As they entered the Slytherin common room together, Draco's unexpected act of kindness lingered in the air, challenging the preconceived notions that had shaped their interactions. The dungeons may have been filled with shadows, but for a moment, a flicker of unexpected understanding illuminated the path ahead.

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