Snape's TikTok Debut

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In the enchanted world of Hogwarts, where magic and tradition intertwined, a peculiar trend had taken hold among the students — the obsession with making TikToks. The hallways echoed with laughter, spells, and the sound of students choreographing dances or attempting to showcase their magical prowess in brief, captivating videos.

One day, a group of Slytherins, armed with their wands and smartphones, decided to create a TikTok featuring a magical duel. Harry, Ron, Draco, and the others gathered in an empty classroom, ready to showcase their skills. Unbeknownst to them, Severus Snape, the formidable Potions Master, was quietly working on a potion in the adjacent room.

As the Slytherins began their performance, casting spells and creating vibrant displays of magic, Snape, immersed in his work, failed to notice the growing commotion. The students, fueled by the excitement of the TikTok challenge, were oblivious to their Potions professor's presence.

Draco, with a flourish of his wand, summoned a cascade of sparks that illuminated the room. Harry countered with a dazzling display of flowers blooming in mid-air. The other students contributed their own magical flair, creating a vibrant and mesmerising spectacle.

Little did they realise that the dancing lights and energetic displays had caught Snape's attention. Startled, he emerged from the potion room, only to find himself unwittingly caught in the midst of the TikTok performance. The Slytherins, momentarily frozen, stared wide-eyed at their professor.

Harry, always quick on his feet, whispered to Draco, "We should probably include him in the TikTok. It'll be legendary!"

With a mischievous grin, Draco nodded in agreement. The students rearranged themselves, and, with a snap of his fingers, Harry conjured a spotlight over Snape, who stood there with an expression that mingled annoyance and surprise.

The Slytherins resumed their magical display, this time incorporating Snape into the TikTok. He reluctantly followed their lead, his dark robes swirling as he performed an unexpected dance, much to the amusement of the students.

The TikTok ended with a burst of magical confetti and the students cheering. Snape, now slightly loosened up but still irritated, swept out of the room with a parting scowl.

The Slytherins, reviewing their video on their smartphones, erupted into laughter. The TikTok featuring Snape unintentionally became the talk of Hogwarts castle, spreading like wildfire among students and professors alike.

To this day, TikTok challenges continue to thrive at Hogwarts, with students occasionally dragging unwitting professors into their magical escapades. And as for Severus Snape, he remained an unintentional star of that particular TikTok, forever etched in the magical history of Hogwarts, much to his chagrin.

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