Digital Dark Arts

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The darkened room was illuminated only by the eerie glow of smartphones, each displaying the ominous skull emoji. Voldemort, now tech-savvy in this alternate reality, had abandoned the antiquated Death Mark for a more contemporary method of summoning his Death Eaters – a mass text.

Voldemort: 🤖 Death Eaters, assemble. The Dark Lord requires your presence. 🌑

Bellatrix Lestrange: OMG, Voldy! ❤️ Just got your text. On my way. #DarkArts #DeathEatersUnite

Lucius Malfoy: Really, my Lord? Skull emojis? 🙄 Fine, I'm coming. #DarkMarkUpgrade

Wormtail: How do I open this? What's a mass text? 🤔

Voldemort: Peter, just Apparate to the usual spot. Stop embarrassing yourself. 🧙‍♂️

Narcissa Malfoy: Voldy, dear, can we reschedule? The spa has a special on Dark Arts Manicures today. 💅 #Priorities

Voldemort: Narcissa, you are pushing it. Be here. Now.

Fenrir Greyback: Yo, Voldy, got a minute? Got a rad idea for a werewolf app. 📱 #TechWerewolves

Voldemort: Not now, Fenrir. 🙄

At the designated meeting spot, Death Eaters started Apparating in, smartphones in hand. Voldemort surveyed the scene, half impressed, half annoyed.

Voldemort: Gather around, Death Eaters. We have a mission.

Bellatrix: Voldy, check out my new Dark Arts app. It's got spells, curses, and a bonus game where you duel Aurors. ⚡️

Voldemort: Bellatrix, focus. We are planning an attack.

Lucius: My Lord, I propose we use the Unforgivable Apps on Harry Potter. A single tap and Avada Kedavra! 💥

Voldemort: Lucius, that's not how it works. 🤦‍♂️

Wormtail: I tried to Google "How to be a Death Eater." Got some weird results. 😬

Voldemort: Wormtail, you're hopeless.

Narcissa: Voldy, darling, can we wrap this up? I have a spa appointment in an hour. 🕰️

Voldemort: No, Narcissa. We're discussing world domination here.

Fenrir: Voldy, what about a Dark Arts dating app? Swipe left for Muggles, right for fellow Death Eaters. 📲 #MagicMatch

Voldemort: I said, not now, Fenrir!

As Voldemort struggled to maintain control over his tech-savvy Death Eaters, the gathering descended into chaos, with Death Eaters arguing about the best Dark Arts apps, spell shortcuts, and magical emoji usage.

Voldemort sighed, realising that even in this alternate reality, managing Death Eaters was just as challenging, if not more so, in the digital age.

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