Tickling Feathers and Tensions

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The Hogwarts corridors were bathed in the golden glow of torchlight as Harry and Draco, fueled by the spirit of mischief, tip-toed through the castle. Their destination? The Hufflepuff common room. The duo, under the cloak of invisibility, carried an assortment of enchanted feathers and tickling charms. It was a classic prank, intended to add a touch of laughter to the usually cheerful Hufflepuff common room.

As they reached the entrance to the Hufflepuff dormitories, Draco whispered to Harry, "Ready for a bit of fun, Potter?"

Harry grinned in agreement. "Let's do it."

With a wave of their wands, the enchanted feathers swooped into the common room, tickling Hufflepuff students and leaving a trail of laughter in their wake. The invisible duo watched as the room erupted into cheerful chaos.

Unknown to Harry and Draco, Severus Snape, patrolling the halls with his usual scowl, had detected the disturbances. He followed the sounds of laughter, a frown deepening on his face as he reached the Hufflepuff common room. The enchanted feathers continued their whimsical dance, oblivious to the approaching professor.

As Snape prepared to unleash his displeasure, Remus Lupin, drawn by the commotion, appeared at the scene. He observed the Hufflepuff students caught in the tickling charm, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Potter and Malfoy, I presume?" Snape sneered, his sharp gaze narrowing on the invisible culprits.

Remus Lupin, with a serene expression, stepped forward. "Severus, surely you can appreciate a bit of harmless mischief every now and then. It's all in good fun."

Snape's scowl deepened. "Fun has no place in my halls, Lupin. Detention for those two troublemakers is in order."

Just as Snape prepared to reveal Harry and Draco, McGonagall, alerted by the ruckus, appeared on the scene. Her stern expression intensified as she surveyed the chaotic Hufflepuff common room.

"What is the meaning of this disturbance?" McGonagall demanded, her eyes flickering with displeasure.

Snape, with a hint of triumph, pointed accusingly at the invisible troublemakers. "Potter and Malfoy, caught red-handed pranking the Hufflepuffs."

McGonagall's gaze shifted to Lupin, who stepped forward. "Minerva, there's no need for undue punishment. It was just a bit of harmless fun. We should focus on maintaining a positive atmosphere in the castle."

McGonagall's eyes narrowed, but before she could respond, Snape interjected. "They need detention, and you should be reprimanded for covering for them, Lupin."

Lupin, calm but firm, replied, "Severus, I understand your concerns, but I assure you, I had no knowledge of their actions. However, I won't stand in the way of discipline. Give them detention if you must, but I request you reconsider involving me."

McGonagall, her expression unwavering, addressed Harry and Draco. "Detention for both of you, and I'll be keeping a close eye on your behaviour. As for you, Professor Lupin, be mindful of the influence you may have on our students."

Despite Lupin's attempts to defend the duo, McGonagall issued detentions for Harry and Draco. The invisible cloak was lifted, revealing the mischievous culprits who now faced the consequences of their prank. The Hufflepuff common room returned to its usual state of cheer, but the echoes of the enchanted feathers lingered in the air, a reminder of the night's magical chaos.

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