Missing Out

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The grand halls of Malfoy Manor were adorned with opulence, and the air was thick with the scent of holiday extravagance. The Malfoy family, gathered in the festively decorated drawing room, was immersed in the spirit of the season. Lucius Malfoy, draped in luxurious robes, surveyed the room with a stoic gaze, while Narcissa, resplendent in her regal attire, orchestrated the holiday preparations with meticulous grace.

Draco, adorned in Slytherin green, sat in an ornate chair, his silver-blond hair immaculately styled. His eyes, however, betrayed a flicker of impatience. The holiday festivities were in full swing, but there was an undercurrent of unrest within him. The news of the Weasley brothers' daring rescue mission lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the grandeur of Malfoy Manor.

The fireplace crackled, and the flames danced with a warmth that failed to reach Draco's discontented heart. The evening was disrupted by the sudden appearance of an owl bearing a letter, its wings fluttering gracefully as it dropped the parchment into Draco's lap.

"What's this?" Draco muttered, breaking the seal with an elegant flick of his wand. His eyes scanned the contents, and a scowl etched itself across his features.

"What is it, Draco?" Narcissa inquired, her voice as composed as ever.

"It's about Potter," Draco huffed, the disdain evident in his tone. "Apparently, the Weasley brothers rescued him from a locked room at his Muggle relatives' house. They used a flying car. A flying car, Mother!"

Narcissa raised an elegant eyebrow. "Is that so?"

Draco's frustration spilled forth. "The Weasleys get to save Potter with a flying car, and what am I doing? Stuck here, surrounded by silver spoons and pointless traditions. It's utterly ridiculous!"

Lucius, observing his son with a measured gaze, interjected, "Draco, there are more important matters than the escapades of the Weasley family. Focus on your responsibilities and the honour that comes with being a Malfoy."

Draco slumped back in his chair, his discontent simmering beneath a façade of compliance. The grandeur of Malfoy Manor, once a source of pride, felt suffocating in that moment. The realisation that he was missing out on the kind of adventures Potter seemed to effortlessly stumble into gnawed at him.

As the holiday festivities continued, Draco's thoughts remained entangled with the untold stories of flying cars and daring rescues. Amidst the glittering splendour of Malfoy Manor, he couldn't shake the yearning for a taste of the extraordinary, a desire that lingered like an unspoken echo in the grand halls that concealed the unfulfilled dreams of a young Slytherin.

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