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„Please I haven't done anything wrong!! I'm innocent!!" You tried to prove your innocence.
But there was no proof of it.

„I have a child, please let me go!" You kept begging.
But you knew you wouldn't succeed.

„The ludex will decide if guilty or not guilty."
Someone a part of the court said.

The ludex looked at you with his piercing eyes.
You were trembling and kneeling on the floor.

„Ugh boringggggg.." lady Furina complained.
She didn't quite pay attention to anything what you said.

„According to the Oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale, Y/N L/N has been proven guilty of murder." The ludex stated.

Your Eyes widen. For a second you thought you didn't hear his words right, but suddenly realization hit you like a truck.

„Wait! Your honor please! I'm guilty, me as a mother would never!" Your further sentences were cut short as some guards have dragged you away towards the entrance of the Fortress of Meropide.

You didn't know what to do anymore.
You didn't know what will happen to your newly born child.  You felt your tears running down your cheeks. Your thoughts kept making you feel worse than how you are now.

Before you knew it you got thrown into your cell.

„Welcome to your new home, where all of you dirty psychos belong." one of the guards said.

You felt hopeless. No one can save you now.
„Please believe me! I don't belong here!"
You tried to convince the guards but that didn't help you either. They looked at you with disgust and one of them said „that's what all criminals say."

They left you in your cell, making you feel even more hopeless.  You sighed and looked at your new room.
There's molds on the walls.
No windows and a uncomfortable looking bed.
This is how you're gonna live now.

„I'm already going insane just by looking at this place." You complained.

You missed how life was in Inazuma. At least you had a nice house there. You hated this place, even the vision hunt decree was way more better than living here in the fortress of meropide.

You walked around in circles as you kept thinking about how your life was in Inazuma.

„Miss L/N. The duke wants to see you."

You went to go open the door to see the guard who was talking to you. You didn't know anything about a duke here.

This was your first day in Fontaine and you were already suspected of having murdered someone.

„I'll lead the way." the guard said and pulled you by your arm firmly.

You weren't used to all this gruffness. You were always treated with respect. Your arm hurt under the guards grip.

Before you knew it you were in front of a large door.
The guard knocked on it a few times.

„Your Grace I've brought inmate 1772. As you wanted." he stated.

„Come in" a voice came from inside.

The guard opened the door.
The room was huge. You were too stunned to speak.
The guard pushed you in and closed the door. There were stairs infront of you. The duke nowhere to be seen. You knew he'll lie above the stairs.
You had no choice but to go up to the duke.

Nothing to blame ~ Wriothesley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now