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„thank you for guiding me through Fontaine today."
You thanked Lucas.

„anything for my lady." He smirked at her as he politely bowed to her.

You slightly smiled by his polite gesture.
But his way of words is quite questionable.
He calls you his lady. Even in front of Wriothesley he said that which was slightly awkward.
You were back at the Fleuve Cendre, waiting for Navia to come back.

You still haven't thanked her properly.
As you waited for awhile, you heard her cheery voice from a far. You knew it was her just by hearing her voice. „Oh Miss Y/N! How are you? Are you feeling better." Navia greeted you with a big hug as if you both were childhood friends. As she asked you how you were feeling she touched your forehead slightly checking your temperature.

„I'm good don't worry.. I just wanted to thank you for everything you did for me. I have no idea how I should pay you back." you thanked her politely.
„No need, at least you're in good health. How did Lucas treat you? I hope he hasn't
been too awkward." she chuckled as she covered her mouth with her hand. Trying to keep in her laughter.
In the other hand, Lucas didn't find that so funny.
„He was quite helpful. His gestures are quite polite."
You told Navia making Lucas smile at your words.
„I'm happy you think that way, my lady." Lucas smiled at you as he placed a hand on his chest.

„there it is! Your constant politeness!" Navia smiled at Lucas. Making him a bit flustered by his actions.
„anyway we should get some rest.. it's been a long day for us." Navia suggested making you nod to her.


You felt unbelievably miserable. You hoped that this was all a bad dream. Going to the fortress of Meropide, losing your daughter... Sadly it's reality.
As you opened your eyes you only saw pure darkness?

„Where am I?" you asked yourself.
You walked through the darkness, only to be met with nothing. As you continued walking you saw a figure from a far.

It was him..

Your eyes widen as you saw the tall figure.
You quickly turned around as you realized who it was.

„It couldn't be."

You ran the other direction. Hoping he'll not follow you. As you ran, you quickly ran out of breath.
Suddenly you heard his voice.

„Oh Y/N... why are you running? I didn't do anything bad.. did I?"

You stumbled over your feet and fell as you heard that voice. It gave you the shivers.

„LEAVE ME ALONE!!" You screamed as you tried to crawl away from the voice.

„Shouldn't you be happy? I gave you happiness, I showed you my love.. and this is how you'll pay me back in return?" You wished that you'd never hear that voice again. Sadly wishes don't always come true.

„Aren't you pleased to see me?" You felt how tears fell down your face as his figure came closer and closer. He had that same smirk on his face as he 'pleasured' you. Seeing that smirk made you sick.

„Won't you give me a hug?" He smiles softly as he was now inches away from you.
„DONT TOUCH ME!" You screamed as you tried to get on your feet again.

His smile turned upside down as you kept on yelling at him. „If this is how you treat me.. I might as well punish you again."

Your face turned pale as you heard what he said.
You cried out for help, you screamed, you ran.
You tried everything so you could get out of his sight but he was always there no matter you went.

Nothing to blame ~ Wriothesley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now