You were a wonderful experience

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„you were everything..."

-the past-

„Hey Ricecake!" He hated that nickname wherever he went. „What's wrong this time.." He sighed as he looked towards the big man who decided to sit next to him. „There's a new challenger in the pankration ring... That girl you keep talking about is invested."
As the man mentioned that so called girl.
Wriothesley instantly stood up and started to walk towards the pankration ring. Leaving his food with the man. The man laughed as he saw Wriothesley walk off. „teenagers these days.." the man chuckled to himself.

As Wriothesley got to the parkration ring. He saw her fight a man double her size. She looked intimidating.



The crowd was hyped as they saw her fight in the ring. As she finally was able to knock him out. She was declared the winner.

Wriothesley still kept his eyes on her.
She smiled proudly at the crowd as the referee raised her hand. Until she saw his face. Her expression immediately changed as she saw him.
She suddenly looked arrogant.

As she got out of the ring. She tried to avoid him as much as possible but wherever she went she knew he'll be there. „You did great." He said as he walked beside her. „Oh really? As if I haven't known." She said ironically as she walked off, trying to get him off her back. She always acted proud and confident when he wasn't around, but that expression always changes when he was around. She was merely sixteen and he was fourteen.

He literally was smaller than her.
But he still was able to admire her for whatever she did.

-few years later-

„Your Grace, we've now set up the new rules for the welfare meals."

Wriothesley was signing documents, documents and even more documents. They were flowing in
non-stop since he became the Duke of the fortress.
„good to know." Wriothesley told the man and continued signing the documents laid out all over his desk. „How's Adeline by the way?" He asked out of curiosity as the man still stood there, waiting to be excused.

„Well Madame Adeline has been working as hard as ever. There's nothing new about her, your Grace." The man said as Wriothesley looked at him. Which made the man slightly nervous. „Did Madame Adeline cause trouble? Should I bring her to your office?" The man became more anxious by the second since His Grace asked that question.
„No need." Wriothesley said and finally excused him.
Being the duke was complicated. He was merely 20, yet there was so many responsibilities he had to take care of.

He took another sip of his tea as he signed another document. As he wanted to sign another one. He heard someone knock on his door. „Come in!" He yelled while waiting for the person to come upstairs.
„Adeline.. what a surprise to see you here." His Grace chuckled as he saw her face.

„There has been a problem with the deliveries, your Grace." She said as she stood there stiffly.
„Hard working as ever they say.. can you be more detailed about the problem?" He asked, waiting for her explanation. „We were inspecting the packages. In one of them we found drugs, your Grace." She explained making Wriothesley nod to the situation.
„Where was that package headed?" He asked.

„Towards the male dormitories, your Grace." Adeline confirmed. Wriothesley took a mental note of that.
„and... there is no name on it?" he asked, making Adeline shake her head. That was quite suspicious.
A package with no name on it.

Nothing to blame ~ Wriothesley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now