New Beginning

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As you woke up, you were left alone in the office.
Didn't Wriothesley say you'd be by his side no matter what cost. But here you were.. alone.

As you walked towards his desk, you noticed a little note. Which was most likely left behind by the duke himself.

Went to bring the cake to Sigewinne. Don't leave my office! I will be back soon. Your pastry is on the table in front of the sofa, I hope you noticed.

In fact you didn't notice the pastry on the table.
You still hadn't fully woken up yet.
As you headed back to the sofa, you took the pastry in hand and started eating it. Since you weren't aloud to go outside, all you had to eat was your pastry.

'Since he's not here. Why don't I look through his stuff. He always seemed that mysterious type of guy.
It wouldn't hurt to know a bit more about him.'
You thought as you finished eating your pastry.
You didn't have anything to do anyway.
So you walked towards his desk, to snoop around.
You looked into his drawers hoping to find something interesting. Suddenly something caught your eye. It looked like an old file.

You took it out of the drawer and opened it.
The first document showed an old picture of Wriothesley. Is this what you think it.
You read through the document til that one sentence shocked you completely. You weren't sure you were reading this correctly.

„guilty of murder?" You mumbled to yourself.
You couldn't believe what you were seeing.
He is an inmate himself!

As you looked for the reason, you were even more shocked. He fucking killed his parents!
You quickly closed the file again and put it back into the drawer.

You quickly went back to the sofa to sit down again.
Now you were questioning yourself about him.
„why would he murder his parents?"
„how did he turn into the duke?"
You had so many questions running through your head that you didn't even notice Wriothesley come back.

„Oh you're awake." He said as he saw you.
You were still processing things. You've never thought that he would be criminal himself.
„uh-uhm yes I am." You said as you smiled awkwardly.

„Are you okay?" He asked as he noticed that nervous look in your face. He was already raising suspicions that you saw something that you weren't meant to see.

Your heart was racing out of fear. „y-yeah I'm fine, nothing to worry about." You laughed it off.
He furrowed his eyebrows as he noticed you were lying to him. He walked to you with the most intense stare. He grabbed you by your chin and forced you to look at him. Out of reflex you held his wrist with both hands. 'Is he.. psychotic? Will he kill me with his bare hands?' Were your only thoughts as he glared intently into your eyes.

„tell me the truth." He demanded. You couldn't say anything. The words were stuck in your throat.
Out of fear your eyes started to tear up.
„what did you see." You knew it wasn't a question but an order. You felt how some tears rolled down your face. You were scared as he held you so tightly.
Wriothesley sighed and let you go dissatisfied, which made you also let go of him.

He looked you in your eyes again but now with a much more softer look. You were breathing heavily as your tears kept coming.

He kneeled down and held your face with his rough hands, but his hands felt somehow gentle to your cheeks this time. Your tears were coming nonstop, you couldn't control them.

He wiped your tears with his thumbs, but you still didn't stop crying. This reminded him of his past.
How his siblings were.

Nothing to blame ~ Wriothesley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now