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„I've seen you fixed that teacup which I broke."
Adeline noticed.

His Grace nodded while sipping out of that very cup she mentioned. „This cup means a lot to me."
He stated.

„So I saw you took Y/N into your office. Did you find more stuff about her than me?" Adeline asks.

He nodded and said „I've found enough."
„Does that mean I get my Mo-" her eyes were sparkling but that spark soon disappeared as she got cut off by him.

„Your Job isn't done yet. You still have some stuff to do."

She groaned in defeat and asked „So what do you want me to do?"

„I need info about the father of her child."
He stated. He sounded quite serious.

„Wow.. going personal aren't we?" she said and stood up from her seat.

„I'll try." she said as she flipped her long red hair to her side.

After those words from her. Wriothesley was left alone in his office once more.


„Welcome to the Rag and Bone shop!"
You were greeted by the owner.

„How may I be of service to you today?" Alvard asked.

You kept looking around and til you gave up and asked „ do you have any good clothing?"

He quickly brought some pile of clothes and placed them on the table. „This is our fresh shipment from above." he stated.

He let you look through them til you found something which you fancied.
„How much does this cost?" you ask while trying to look for your coupons in your pocket.

„Oh please take it. It's on the house." he claimed.
You looked at him confused.

„You sure you don't want any coupons for it?"
You asked making sure if he was 100 percent sure that he'll give it to you for free.

„I'm sure. A young lady like you also needs to have new clothing once in awhile." he said.

You smiled at him and thanked him.
You didn't really go to the shop often but you really needed some new clothes. Since winter is approaching you had the feeling It has been getting colder down here in the fortress.

As you were walking towards your room you felt quite uneasy. As if someone was following you.
You turned your head back only to see guards which we're doing their job. As you made it to the second floor. You still had that feeling of being followed.
You took a look around the area only to be greeted with more guards. Where were everybody?
They must be in their cells right?

You quickly went to your room and shut the door.
‚Why would anyone follow me?' you thought to yourself.

As you sat down on your bed. You heard a knock on the door. „Hey it's Louise." You quickly opened the door. You were so glad she was here.

You smiled at her and let her in.
„I'm so glad you're here." You confessed.
Louise looked at you  confused and sat down on your bed.

„I had this feeling of being followed since I bought a new shirt from the Rag and Bone shop." you said and sat down next to her.

Nothing to blame ~ Wriothesley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now