the Truth

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You were afraid for your life.
It was in the middle of the night.
You couldn't sleep at all after that meet and greet with Francis. He sent you the shivers down your spine.

You layed on your bed. Your only thought was his words. He knew who murdered mr Alain, if he was telling the truth, that was still a mystery to you.
You were able to get tape from the Rag and Bone shop to tape up that camera in your room.
You were so glad you did that.

You didn't care if the camera was controlled by the duke or by Francis. At least you had a bit more of privacy. Since you couldn't sleep, it wouldn't hurt to go out of your room.

You knew that If you'd be caught by the guards you'll surely be sent back to your room. But since you can't get your mind off of the situation, it would be better just to walk for a bit.

As you successfully got to the main floor.
You noticed a figure from a far.
‚Which inmate would be awake at this time?'
You asked yourself.

You tried to get a closer look til you realized it was Louise. What was Louise doing in the middle of the night.

She seemed a bit suspicious, so you decided to follow her, making sure that she won't notice you.

As you got closer to her, you noticed she wasn't wearing her usual inmate attire.
This confused you even more.

As you kept following her, you noticed she was headed towards the duke's office.
The guards saw her but they didn't stop her from going in.

You thought your mind was playing tricks with you, but what you're seeing here is the reality.
You somehow had to avoid the guards, so that you could enter into his office too.

You somehow had to create a distraction.
You hid behind a box, there should be something usual here.

You found a rusty can. That could be kind of useful.
You took the can and threw it across the hall.
As it made a noise the guards left their post.
That was your chance to get into the office.
You ran quietly to the door and snuck inside.

You took a breath before eavesdropping what was going on upstairs.

„I saw Francis talking with Y/N, you'd have no idea what could happen to her."

„Adeline listen to me! We have to keep our status low."

„Fuck statuses! Inmates are in danger."

You slowly walked up the stairs and saw them arguing about you. You were confused out of your mind. „Who's Adeline?" you asked in a serious matter.

Louise or Adeline turned their head towards you with pure shock in her face.
„Speaking of the Devil.." the duke said and stared at Adeline, showing that he's mad.

„Y/N I can explain!" Adeline said as she walked towards you. „You've been lying to me, aren't you?"
You asked with a tint of anger in your voice, yet also betrayal.

„I'm not Louise, I'm sorry." she apologized.
„Wow.. now your cover is blown." the duke applauded.

„You only used me!" You yelled with a laugh.
Louise was speechless. She didn't know what to say after your statement.

„I was hired by him. He hired me to spy on you. So take out your anger on him!" she yelled as she pointed at the duke himself.

The duke had wide eyes and looked at Adeline with complete surprise. „Now you're putting the blame on me?" He said while still looking at her.

„Okay back on the topic-" Just as Wriothesley was about to talk about Francis he got cut off.
„SHUT UP!" Both women yelled, making Wriothesley spilling his tea by accident.

„If you wanted info about that little conversation I had with him, you could've asked." you said.
Well now it's too late, the past is in the past.
Adeline and Wriothesley fell silent.
It slowly got awkward as no one dared to say anything. All you could hear was the spilled tea dripping from the table to the floor.
Wriothesley's heart ached as he saw his precious tea spiled all over the place.

„Then tell us now, if you don't mind."
Wriothesley broke the silence, trying to distract himself from paying attention to his spilled tea.
„He said he knew he murdered mr Alain, it clearly wasn't me." you stated. „He threatened me, if I wouldn't show up in the afternoon, he'll kill me."
You continued your explanation.

The room fell silent again. It took a minute for them to process that information.
„If that's so.. then we should bring you to the surface." Adeline suggested, which made Wriothesley look at her with a big eyes.

„Up to the surface? Forget it! She's still an inmate here." Wriothesley explained with clear annoyance.
„Didn't you say you had a meeting tomorrow with the ludex himself?" Adeline asked as she looked at him with a confused look.

„If you're going to talk about her, then why don't you take the victim with?" Adeline asked.
You felt as if you were just some object in the room.
It was as if you weren't there.

„Excuse me uhm, I'm also here. Can you tell me when did I agree to come with to this so-called meeting?"
You asked with a tint of annoyance in your voice.
„Before you actually get ahead of yourselves, who's going to deal with Francis?" you asked as if they just skipped the most important thing of the situation.

„I'll be here dealing with him. Who knows probably I'll convince Clorinde to help as well." Adeline replied. You weren't sure to this plan.
Francis could take her head instead of yours.
You'd feel guilty for the rest of your life if that ever happened to her. You knew she'd only befriended you for her job, but you still managed to get attached to her. Even after she lied to you.

„Are you sure about this? You could be the one getting  killed." you said while having a concerned look on your face. Adeline's heart melted as she saw that you still cared for her even after what she did to you. She nodded, showing that she'll take whatever it takes to get rid of that psychotic person.

„So if that's the plan. Meet me in my office 6:00am sharp." Wriothesley ordered.
You nodded, but as you saw the clock on the wall your face turned pale.
You'd only have 3 hours sleep then.
„Since that's in like 3 hours, could I stay here til then?" you asked politely, trying to convince him to let you stay in his office.

Wriothesley sighed and agreed in defeat.
„Before you go to sleep, could you tell me where I'd have to meet him tomorrow?" Adeline asked in hope that you knew.

„the entrance to the pankration ring in the evening,
he'll be waiting." you informed her.
She nodded and said her goodbyes so she could sleep as well.

Now it was only you two. You knew it was always awkward the last few encounters with him but now without Adeline, the surrounding air felt a bit more tense than usual. Well it was your idea to rest in his office.

„I should better sleep too I guess.." you told him.
He nodded and cleaned up the spilled tea on the floor and table. You weren't sure if your mind was messing with you but for a second you thought you saw him cry silently while cleaning up the spilled tea.

As you laid on the couch, you notice a huge difference between it and your bed.
The sofa was way too comfortable for your liking.
In a matter of seconds you fell asleep on it like a seal.
Wriothesley couldn't believe his eyes for a second before it came clear to him that you really fell asleep in such a short moment.

He chuckled quietly and walked over to your sleeping figure. He couldn't help himself but tucking a strand of hair out of your face.
He'd never got so close to you before, that it felt surreal for him. He took his time admiring your facial features before deciding to stop looking at you intensely.

As he was about to walk away from you, he decided to cover your sleeping figure with his jacket.
He smiled as he took another glance at you before eventually also going to sleep.

I have nothing to say about this chapter :,)
I hope y'all still enjoyed it though.

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