Carry the injured

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He kept sleeping soundly on your shoulder as Navia continued to take photos every two seconds.
She knew the duke will kill her if he'd ever find out.
As you slowly arrived at Marcotte station, you knew you had to wake him up.

He slept so peacefully, you couldn't dare even waking him slightly. As miss Elphane said her farewells, it was time to wake the duke up.
First you poked him slightly, to see any reaction.
But you were given none.

Navia laughed quietly as she saw you struggling to wake him up. „I'll be waiting on the bench." she said and left you alone with him.

„your Grace?" you poked him again. This time you were given a reaction from him. He groaned slightly and opened his eye lids slightly. „your Grace? We've arrived at the station.." you said in a quiet tone.
He rubbed his eyes slightly and raised his head from your shoulder.

As he was fully awake, Realisation hit him like a truck. He noticed that he was leaning on your shoulder which embarrassed him slightly.
His face flushed as that thought came into mind.
You already left the boat as he came back to his senses. „Are you planning on going back?" miss ZElphane said sarcastically, which made him leave the boat in embarrassment.

„So, are we ready to go?" Navia asked as she was reading the newspaper. „I hope so." you replied, which made her stood up from the bench.
„off to the Fountain of Lucine!." Navia said and marched off. As you were halfway there, Navia suddenly stopped in her tracks. „SHIT I FORGOT MY BAG!" she yelled as she hurriedly ran back to the station. „Wait Navia!!" you tried to run after her but in return you ankle snapped instead. You cried out as you felt the pain in your ankle. As you fell to the floor, you heard heavy footsteps coming towards you. As you looked up to the persons face, you were greeted by ice blue eyes.

„Miss L/N, are you hurt?" Wriothesley kneeled beside you to check your ankle. As he touched it slightly, you already tried to hold in your cries of pain. „Looks like it." he mumbled to himself.
It was quite suspicious that there weren't any Gardemeks around. He cussed to himself as he looked closer at your ankle.

„If only miss Sigewinne were around." he whispered to himself as he got a better look of the situation.
„I'll apologize beforehand for what I'm about to do."
He said which made you squint your eyes at him in confusion. Before you knew it, you were lifted off the ground as if you were nothing. You grunted again as you felt more pain in your ankle. You clung on to Wriothesley vest out of reflex. He smiled slightly by your small action. „I'll bring you back to Fleuve Cendre, it's no use looking at the Fountain in your condition." he said as he kept carrying you back to the marcotte station.

„What?! I've been here for weeks but I still would like to look at the fountain you know?" you complained. As he saw you frown, Wriothesley sighed in defeat. He was too tired for this shit.
Well since you were falsely sent down to the fortress, might as well do you a favor. „fine.." he said and turned around and started walking the other direction. „I'm warning you, you'll have to suffer a bit more longer then." he said as he continued walking. You could already see the sparkly blue waters of the fountain from a far.

Your eyes glowed with excitement as you both got closer to the fountain. He placed you on a nearby bench so you could look at it from a distance.
„It's so beautiful." you mumbled as you lost your mind by the fountain's beauty.

„It's actually not that interesting. All the waters which touched the grounds of our nation, will collect itself in this fountain." he explained which made your mind wander away. „the hydro Nation is indeed something." you laughed through the pain.
Before you knew it the sun started to set.
„Where is Navia actually?" you asked Wriothesley.
As a response he just shrugged his shoulders.

Nothing to blame ~ Wriothesley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now