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„Your Grace, we've located her just how you wanted it." The guard said and
„Perfect" he mumbled to himself while taking a sip of his tea.

„Please bring her to my office at once." he commanded. The guard saluted and left his office.

‚This is all going according to plan' he thought to himself. He took another sip of his tea and continued doing his work.

„There is no husband."

That statement made no sense to him.
He kept thinking about her words. This seemed all so frustrating to him. Did Neuvillette really do the right decision?

If there was no husband, how did a child appear?
Did she adopt a child? There must be a man behind this. He isn't that dumb.

He kept asking those questions to himself.
There was no confirmed evidence of the murder.
You also acted a bit differently compared to the other inmates.

Wriothesley had a bad feeling about this arrest.
Usually he didn't care at all about such situations.
But his mind was telling him.. something was wrong.

‚I better make an appointment with Neuvillette.'
He thought to himself. Wriothesley had to tell him about his personal opinion about this situation.

Suddenly there was a slight knock on the door.
Without waiting for a response, a small Melusine opened the door.

„Wriothesley! There is a commotion in the cafeteria! I think the newcomer got involved."

That reminds him.. he hasn't told you about the currency in the fortress of meropide.

He sighed in frustration and thanked Sigewinne for letting him know. He headed straight to the cafeteria.


„Ma'am you have to pay for your food! Especially when it's not lunch yet!."

„With what?" You didn't get any info about using mora in the fortress. It's a frickin prison.
‚Shouldn't the food be free at all times?' You ask yourself.

„Hey lady you're keeping the line up!"

„Can't you pay already?!"
There were already complaints from the inmates behind you.

„Ma'am that would be 500 coupons, I told you multiple times. You missed out on the welfare meal"

You felt heavy steps behind you. You had a bad feeling just by hearing those steps.
You felt the steps coming closer and closer.

„Here." You felt a big presence behind you.
As you wanted to thank the person who was willing to help. You suddenly realized it was the duke himself.

„Keep these. You have to work for them. I Forgot to tell you about that" he explained and stuffed a few coupons in your hand.

He didn't even let you ask more questions. He headed back to his office instantly. He was to fast to catch up to. You bet he had a lot of work to do.

As you sat down at a table you couldn't help but eavesdrop the other inmates.

„There are rumors that The duke has been given a lap dog."

Nothing to blame ~ Wriothesley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now