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The next morning

You woke up alone. No one to be seen in this office.
No wonder. He should've brought Francis to solitary confinement by now. As you looked at his desk. There was a note with some food next to it.

Went to look for Francis, Sigewinne will come for Lunch. Eat some breakfast before snooping around my drawers again.

You smiled as you finished reading the note.
How did he know you'll look through his stuff again.
In a matter of minutes you finished eating the food he left behind. As the note foretold, you looked through his drawers again. This time you found a book. It looked like a journal. You grinned to yourself as you made yourself comfortable on the couch. You opened a page on the journal and started the s reading it.

Today wasn't an interesting day. Earned some money in the pankration ring, Eating meals at the cafeteria. Nothing more. As I ate a meal, I saw her again. She had the most beautiful eyes. Adeline never really liked me, but after all these months.
I think I fell for her. Her red locks looked like silk, her lips looked so soft but her heart was as empty as the abyss. She was truly heartless. She as a guard always had that arrogant look on her face.
How could I fall for her. Today she just looked at me, nothing more. Only one single glance.
But that was already enough for me.
Probably another day I could actually interact with her.

That page took you by surprise. The duke actually had a crush on Adeline. Knowing that Adeline is gone just makes it even more sad.
You flipped through some pages til one caught your eye.

Today I got coronated as the new duke.
Being the warden and duke was an unexpected mix.
All guards including Adeline looked at me with respect, not like in the past. I promised myself I'll be a better person than in the past. I shouldn't put personal matters in front of my work. My work and the people of this fortress is my first priority.

How many pages did this journal have?
You skipped another few pages again til you saw your own engraved into the page

Today an inmate named Y/N L/N arrived into the fortress. She doesn't act like other inmates.
As I ordered her in my office, she cried nonstop.
Which wasn't unusual for an newbie in the fortress.
But her sobs reminded me of my past. I couldn't help myself but try to calm her down by giving her false hope. I told her she could get out by looking for evidence for her innocence, but I knew down here in the fortress, this is impossible. She mentioned she came from Inazuma. That reminded me that I never traveled to other places. I should take a break and explore the surface once more. But that'll sure break the promise I made myself a few years back.

He really continued writing in this journal to this very day. You decided to put the journal back where you found it. So that it looked like you didn't look around his drawers again. As you sat back down on the sofa again, you were wondering if he's alright.
Seeing him go was the last thing you wanted to happen right now.


„After I'm done with you.. you'll see your precious little assistant again." Francis said as he held a shiv in hand. Wriothesley spat blood on the floor as he was tied to a pole. „you'll never will see that happen."
He denied as he kept bleeding from his abdomen.
„Oh really? Once I'll be the warden I'll use your little girl in your office as my new sex toy." Francis said as he tried to piss Wriothesley off.

Wriothesley had pure rage in his eyes. He used his legs to kick the shiv out of his hand and break his nose at the same time. „Fuck! can't you dumbasses do anything right? You forgot to tie his legs!" Francis yelled to his servants. They shivered in fear as they tried to tie the rope around his legs.

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