The Meeting

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The next morning

You were still asleep as Wriothesley woke up.
It was about 05:30am, before you both planned to leave. The duke decided to still enjoy his morning tea. He couldn't imagine a morning without it.

As he looked through documents about the new arrivals, he always took a quick glance to you to see if you'd wake up any time soon.

As he read through all the documents, you still didn't show any signs of waking up. He didn't have the urge to wake you up, you seemed so unbothered while you were asleep. You also kind of looked at ease.
Before he knew it, it was about 05:55am.
He had to wake you up eventually.

That's when he decided to take his jacket off you.
You groaned looking for warmth.
Your hand reached his thigh, Wriothesley looked at you in pure shock. He already thought you were about to touch his ‚you know what'.
he quickly moved away, so that you would let go of him.

You were still sound asleep. At this point Wriothesley gave up waking you up.
But if you'll stay here, there would be a chance you'd die. As he was about to let you sleep for a couple more minutes, he quickly changed his mind.

He grabbed ahold of your shoulders and shook you awake. You woke up in an instant.
„Hey! Stop!" You yelled as he still held your shoulders. „Finally." He said and let you go, making you fall back into the sofa.

„That's a way to wake me up." You mumbled and dusted yourself off as you stood up from the sofa.
„Says the one who was sleeping like a rock."
The duke talked back.

You stayed silent, because you didn't want to argue so early in the morning.
„We're leaving now, we will eat breakfast on the way." He broke the silence. You nodded at him and followed him to the office's exit.



Sedene the Melusine strutted into the ludex's office
letting him now that his meeting would be in 3 hours. „Oh, thank you." He said and smiled at the Melusine softly. The Melusine saluted in respect and left his office.

„I could take another stroll before the meeting then."
He said to himself. He stood up from his chair and headed outside. As he walked through the city, he felt how he got weird looks and glances.

„what's Monsieur Neuvillette doing here so early in the morning?"

„Wow this is the first time I see him in person!"

„quick take a photo!"

It looked like he was the talk of the morning.
The people and their curiosity, sometimes it could get out of hand. They could really snoop into peoples private lives without you noticing it.

As he came to his desired destination he began talking to the seller. „May I have some of Sumeru's water?" He asked politely. The seller nodded at him and got him a bottle. Neuvillette gave him a tip for his kindness and headed back to the Palais with a bottle filled with water in hand.

Usually there would be Melusines delivering his needed goods to him. But today wasn't one of those days. It's always good to get fresh air in awhile.

Before he knew it, it was time to meet his fellow colleague. They said they would meet up at the Opera Epiclese. There shouldn't be a trial nor a performance today. So they could discuss this matter at peace.

As Monsieur Neuvillette saw the culprit of this case there too. He felt a bit surprised. Wriothesley didn't tell him she would come, but here she was anyway.

„Good morning Monsieur." She said with respect while Wriothesley said „Good morning" followed with a handshake.

„We didn't discuss that there would be another person attending this matter." Neuvillette said they all sat down around a table.

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