The big fish

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„Your Grace!! Where have you been! I've been worried sick about you." The little Melusine followed him into his office already prepared with some stuff to change the bandages around his waist.

„I was with Y/N" he smiled as he thought about you.
„Looks like you had a good time." Sigewinne said as she saw that soft smile on his face. „I finally got some sleep for once." He said as he stretched his arms over his head. „Careful! The stitches!" Sigewinne was always sharp with his wounds.
She couldn't let him get hurt again.

„I'm fine Sigewinne, I even carried Y/N with these stitches." He sat down on his desk as she looked at him flabbergasted. „Wait what?" Sigewinne was in pure shock. „I carried-" just as he was about to repeat his words, Sigewinne already has cut him off.
„I heard you mister! You really want a death sentence do you?" she said as she pointed her finger at him. „Well she was hurt herself." he raised his hands in Defence.

Sigewinne gave him a death stare but then sighed in defeat. „I give up.. let's just get this over with."
Sigewinne opened a little kit and looked for the bandages she packed.

After replacing the bandages, Sigewinne left again so she could tend to her other patients.
Wriothesley felt kind of refreshed after changing his bandages. Well he wore bandages on a daily basis but after taking some off of his waist felt freeing until Sigewinne wrapped him up again.

As he looked for work on his desk, there weren't any files around. Which was quite weird, since he always had something to do.

Suddenly someone knocked on his doors. As he gave permission for the person to come in, he saw it was a fellow guard. „Your Grace, These are the reports of this week." The guard handed him a file.
„Only this little?" Wriothesley raised an eyebrow at him. „Yes, since the chess club has been cancelled, the inmates feared of causing trouble, because they heard rumors of the solitary confinement." the guard explained, making Wriothesley nod.

„that's good to know.. that explains the lack of files."
Wriothesley said as he looked at his empty desk.
„Well actually miss Clorinde came down to help with the files because she claimed she has lost to some bet with his Grace." the guard said, which made Wriothesley chuckle ever so slightly. „I do not remember the last time I made a bet with her." Wriothesley smiled awkwardly as he tried to remember the last time he made a bet with her.

As he excused him, he boiled some water to make some tea. Well since he had nothing to do, why not take a walk around the court of Fontaine.
There's a high chance he would bump into you.
He smiled as he thought about running into you.

After drinking all his tea, he informed the guards he would be going to the surface again. The guards were confused by his sudden leaving again, but they accepted whatever his Grace wanted to do.

After walking I don't know many miles and fighting like 30 clockwork mekas, he finally arrived at the court of Fontaine. He never had the time to enjoy the scenery but since the chess club case was closed, everything felt like bliss.

„isn't that the duke?"

„I've never seen him in person before."

„wait.. that's the duke from the
fortress of Meropide?"

He heard people talking about him from a distance.
It was true, he never really shows up in public this often. He prefers keeping himself out of the steam bird articles. Just as he was thinking about that, Miss Charlotte appeared in front of his face.

„Bonjour, your Grace! I haven't seen you since the flood!" Charlotte had that cheery attitude as always.
„Miss Charlotte, it has been awhile indeed."
Wriothesley smiled awkwardly at her. This is really what he wanted to avoid right now.

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