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„Hello Miss, what would you like to get today."
The hostess asked as she saw you coming up to the front. „The usual." You said as you kindly smiled at her. „Coming right up! Please take a seat as you wait." The hostess offered as she went to make you a meal. Since you left the Fortress, you became a usual at the hotel debord. Of course you were looking for your daughter but at this point, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. At the moment you were thinking about that day at the Fortress. You couldn't get that picture out of your head as you saw Wriothesley unconscious.



„Sigewinne! What happened!" You ran quickly to the infirmary as soon as possible.
„He has a stab wound... it's quite serious." Sigewinne said as she focused on the unconscious duke.
You felt mad yet sad at the same time.
Just a few hours ago he promised to you that he won't get hurt. Yet now he's here in the infirmary with a deep wound. Another promise broken...
The last time you made a promise with someone, you just got hurt by that person. You still hate him for what he has done to you. This time it was the other way around. The one you made a promise to got hurt.

You had the urge just to let it all out. Scream, cry, anything. You were filled with hatred, madness and sadness, but here you are.. now bottling it all up.
„Oh Y/N.. I've heard your name has gotten cleared."
Sigewinne mentioned, trying to distract herself from the current situation.

„Oh yeah... that means I can pack and go right?"
You asked as you faked a smile at her.
Sigewinne saw right through it which made her slightly frown. She nodded and looked back at Wriothesley, who was breathing quite shallow.
„You know you don't have to stay here for any longer.. You can tell him your goodbyes here if you want to." Sigewinne suggested which made you nod at her. „It's not like I'm of any use here." You said as you neared Wriothesley.

„I'm sorry that you won't see me leave. It was nice knowing you.. Your Grace." You said softly as you kissed his forehead, which came unexpectedly.
Sigewinne smiled how you said your goodbyes.
You gave Sigewinne one last, tight hug before you eventually left.


End of Flashback

„Here's your meal miss." A man came as he brought you a dish of garlic bread. You thanked him as he placed the dish in front of you. You felt how a tear ran down your cheek as you remembered that Adeline said she loves garlic bread. Well she used to.
As you finished your meal you quickly paid the bill and said your goodbyes.

You were tired, the whole week you couldn't sleep all. Well better said you had nowhere to sleep.
At least you could afford new clothes to use.
The ones you had in the fortress weren't the best anymore.

As you continued to take your stroll through the court of Fontaine, you heard a familiar voice.
„Paimon says you should get the rainbow macaroons! They're yummy." You walked towards the two. It was indeed Paimon and the Traveler.
„Oh, what a coincidence." You said as you walked up to them.

„Wait.. It's Y/N!" Paimon yelled as she floated towards you. Well it looked like Paimon didn't change at all. „What are you doing in Fontaine?"
The Traveler asked as they also turned towards me.
„long story." You said as you scratched the back of your head.

„Anyway the last time I heard of you both, you were heading towards Sumeru." You changed the topic.
„Well Sumeru was quite an experience really.. Now we're just taking a break before heading to Natlan."
Paimon told you their future plans.
It was nice to see some friendly faces again, after that traumatic time in the Fortress.

„Anyway I should get going. I wish you both safe travels!" You said your goodbyes. They thanked you and bought their macarons.

Your main priority was now to look for a place to sleep. You feel pretty fatigued. You didn't wanted to bother the two because of your problems. It was something for you to deal with.
After all that walking you had the feeling you couldn't think properly anymore.
The search of your daughter also wasn't going well.
As you continued walking, you felt how people were giving you some weird looks.

Nothing to blame ~ Wriothesley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now