He's listening

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The following morning


„Your Grace aren't you overthinking this a bit?"
Sigewinne asked with concern.

„I must know every single possibility which can happen." Wriothesley explained as he kept writing more words on a sheet of paper.

„Why are you getting so worked up over some rumors, your Grace?" She entered the office. Making an hell of an entrance.

„Adeline!! It's been so long, how have you been?"
Sigewinne was excited to see her. She heard she came a few days ago but Sigewinne didn't have the time to greet her on that day.

„I've been watching Y/N from a far. She doesn't give off murder energy." Adeline said and looked towards his Grace.

„Only by looking at her... from far?" The duke mocked.

„I've seen how murderers are from a distance, she doesn't act like one." She explained.

„I'll leave you two be. I have some patients to attend to." Sigewinne said as an attempt to sneak out.
Which she luckily succeeded.

„I don't care about that, I just need info about her. She's probably apart of that group, who knows."
The duke had it. He also needed info about the rumors, not only about Y/N herself.

„Why didn't you say so?" She said which irritated the duke.

Just as the duke was about to say something.
Adeline has long left the office.
The duke groaned frustrated. „That woman will
Be the end of me." He mumbled to himself.


„Here are your credit coupons." The guard handed you the coupons which you earned.

You smiled to yourself as you saw that you earned more than usual. „Finally I can get myself some real food." You mumbled into your coupons.
As you walked towards the cafeteria, you saw a friendly face again. „Hey Louise!" You yelled from a far.

Louise turned around to that familiar voice.
As she saw you, she smiled to herself.
„Is your shift also over? Let's have lunch together."
You suggested.

As they got closer, you grew a fond of Louise.
Louise had a comforting presence.
Even when there were a bunch of criminals around.
You always felt safe when Louise was around.

„I already got my welfare meal here. Go get yours."
Louise said, making you turn to Bran. The machine who overs the welfare meals.

As soon as you got back. You both started eating the food. „On the first day here, I was so confused about these meals." You brought up.

„Well if it isn't Lunch time or if you already gotten yourself a welfare meal of the day, you have to pay coupons." Louise explained.

You nodded and ate some weird looking meat.
At first you didn't want to come down here, but after awhile you noticed that the fortress wasn't as bad as you thought.

„What do you think about the duke?" You asked out of curiosity.

„His Grace? Well I barely had contact with him, he's quite a mysterious man indeed." Louise outed.

„Ever since that small meeting and greeting I had with him. I feel kind of uneasy." You vented.
You showed signs of discomfort which Louise noticed.

„That's the duke alright, they say he's always listening. No matter what you do, he'll be always watching from these walls." Louise pointed at something.

You turned your head towards the wall she was pointing at. There you noticed... a camera.
„He always keeps us in his eyes." Louise said and stopped pointing at the camera.

Nothing to blame ~ Wriothesley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now