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As you woke up, you felt someone looking at you from the corner. „You're awake. Are you hungry?"
Wriothesley asked as you stretched and yawned.
„Not that much.... Anyway did you find Adeline?"
You asked with a curious expression on your face.
He wasn't sure what to say. He thought he'd just have to say it. „Well.. there's mostly bad news."
He confessed. Hearing that made you frown.
„She.... She got killed." He said as he looked at his report to the chief justice.

„H-How did you find out?" You trembled as you spoke. „It's better when you don't know." He said as he kept looking at his locked drawer where he had her head in.

She nodded as she processed that she wasn't here anymore. You loved her like your own sister.
It felt like it was your fault that she died. „I have some business to attend to.
It's better that you stay here this time." He said as he opened the drawer which he found the bag.
You nodded as you laid back on the sofa again.
He took his report and the bag and left you be.

You felt so close to Adeline after everything which happened. As you continued to think about it, you haven't even heard someone enter the office.
„There you are!" You heard someone yell.
You immediately knew who it was.

„Sigewinne? What are you doing here?" You asked confused as you sat up from the sofa. „His Grace ordered me to look after you." She explained as she sat next to you. „trying to keep Wriothesley lie up in the infirmary was a real hassle." She said as she wiped her sweat off her forehead.

„It's always good to have a break." She said and smiled at you. Now you were even more confused.
What lie was she talking about?

„Why did the duke lie?" You asked as curiosity took over your body. „didn't he tell you about the food in the cafeteria?" She asked you even more confused than you.

„oh well, apparently someone cooked a human and made the inmates believe it was pork." She explained calmly as if this was nothing serious that happened.
„WHAT?!" Your face was in pure shock as her words processed in your mind.

„and Wriothesley didn't want to start a panic, so he just said that the food was poisoned." She continued to explain as your face was still in shock.
Telling the food was poisoned still sends the inmates into panic no matter what you do.

„Did he tell you more?" You asked, now even more concerned about the incident. She shook her head, which then left you both in an uncomfortable silence.

„What do you think about his Grace?" You decided to break the silence. „He can be intimidating but I think he's just a misunderstood person." She told you her opinion. „why you ask?" She asked curious what you felt about him.

„your body temperature is rising... those are clear signs you're in love." She suddenly said out of nowhere which made you eyes widen and your face red.

„NO." You denied and looked at the opposite side where she was. „then I must've misread your emotions. Human emotions are quite interesting."
She said as she smiled brightly.

You looked back to her and saw her suddenly take notes. „W-Wait! Uhm you must've uhhh learned a lot about humans, didn't you?" You asked as you cut her off from writing any false information into her notebook. She tilted her head as she looked at you.
„Well kind of... us Melusines see things which you humans don't see, which made us naturally curious about you beings." She explained which made you nod in agreement.

As you both continued to talk about humans and Melusines, it kind of made you forget what just happened a few moments ago.
You're glad that distracting Sigewinne was a piece of cake. You were just wondering when Wriothesley would come back.

Nothing to blame ~ Wriothesley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now