Tired eyes

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„Your Grace! You should really get some proper rest!" Sigewinne came into his office again to check on him.

Wriothesley had dark eye bags which didn't look appealing to Sigewinne. Ever since you've left, Wriothesley couldn't help but enter a dark state of mind. Adeline wasn't there to assist him anymore.
He can't see you sleeping on his couch anymore.
Now he was alone again.. the only company he had was Sigewinne and the guards who were always informing him about new reports.

„I'm fine.." Wriothesley mumbled to Sigewinne which made her pout. „You're clearly not fine! I can read you like an open book!" She yelled at him and placed some kind of milkshake on his desk.
„I didn't sleep well okay?" He said honestly and lied his head down on his desk.

„Better said not at all." Sigewinne corrected him as she placed her hands on her hips. Wriothesley sighed at the thought of you not being in his reach.
„Why don't you take a walk around Fontaine? Get a bit of fresh air?" Sigewinne asked him, making him raise his head from the desk.

„Wouldn't be a bad idea." He said and stood up from his chair. „Let the guards know I'll be on the surface." Wriothesley ordered which made Sigewinne nod and run out of the office.

As she ran, Wriothesley took a stretch and followed her out of the door. It was awhile since he was last on the surface, well since then he hasn't seen you.
„I'll be off." He told the nearby guards and started heading towards the surface.


„That would be 1,500 Mora, sir."

Wriothesley took the cash out of his pocket and gave it the man. He kinda missed the meals that the people served on the surface. So why not have one.

He took a sip of his tea and admired the fontainian blue skies. „The weather is quite pleasant today, isn't it?" Wriothesley looked at the man who spoke to him.

His white hair looked as silky and neat as always.
„Ah, Monsieur, what an honor to meet you in the open." Wriothesley greeted him as Neuvillette sat down in front of him.

As they started small talk Neuvillette sensed there was something wrong. „Is there something the matter?I can sense there is something amiss with you." Neuvillette said as he held a serious look on his face.

„is it really that noticeable?" Wriothesley mumbled to himself. „It is quite noticeable indeed." Neuvillette told him. Which made Wriothesley look at him in defeat. „So I'm assuming you would like to hear out my problems.." Wriothesley said.

Neuvillette nodded at him and said „Well it looks like you have to get it off your chest."
Wriothesley had no choice now then to tell him about his problems.

„I never would've thought that I'd dump all my problems on the Chief justice himself." Wriothesley chuckled which just made Neuvillette look unfazed.

„Well there was this girl.." Wriothesley already smiled by the thought of you.
„A girl you say? What about her?" Neuvillette asked as he waited for Wriothesley continue.
„She lost her child because of me." Wriothesley smile turned upside down as he remembered what he did to her.

„that's a plot twist. Here I thought you fell for this girl." Neuvillette told him his opinion which made Wriothesley's eyes widen a bit.

„Me? The Duke of the Fortress?! Hah I never thought the Chief justice had a sense of humor."
Wriothesley laughed it off. Neuvillette didn't quite understand what he said but he went along with it.
„So tell me.. how did you manage to make her lose her child?" Neuvillette asked.

Nothing to blame ~ Wriothesley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now