Dancing in the rain

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Before you knew it Wriothesley was sound asleep beside you. He took so much space of the bed.
Well it wasn't unexpected since he was 6'3 feet tall.
You turned to the other side so he was facing your back. Probably that would make it less awkward.
Well you were wrong.

The duke got closer to you and wrapped his arms unexpectedly around your waist. He pulled you closer to him. At this point you were wide awake.
You could feel him breathing down your neck.
Well at least he wasn't a snorer.

You were unsure what to do. You were stuck between his arms, there's no way out.
Might as well give up at this point.

As he kept holding you close, you eventually also drifted off to sleep.



Wriothesley awoke first, since he fell asleep first.
As he came to his senses, he noticed in what for a situation he was in. His face flushed a bright red as he saw how close you were to him.

You both were facing each other, not like last night.
He had his arms wrapped around you. You were practically against his chest. Wriothesley tensed as you snuggled closer into him.

He didn't know what to do, all he could do was just watching you sleep peacefully. You looked like a beauty in his eyes. He couldn't help but admire your soft features. He wanted this moment to last forever, but sadly you had to disappoint him.
Slowly you also opened your eyes. You were greeted by ice blue eyes staring right back into yours.

As you noticed how close you were to him, you shrieked. „What are you doing so close to me!?" You questioned him, he quickly maintained a good distance from you.

„I also just woke up, how should I know you were snuggling against me!" He said frustratedly.
„Well I'm glad you didn't try to do anything funny."
You sighed in relief.

„What do you mean 'funny'?" He squinted his eyes at you. Awkwardness was in the air as he said that.
„Oh uhm never mind." You said as you tried to stand up from the bed which you failed.

„I assume that I have to help you with the stairs again?" He said as he walked over to you.
You nodded at him with an awkward look on your face.

„don't give me that look now." He smirked as he picked you up off your feet. As Lucas saw him carrying you, he had a weird look on his face.
It's as if he was jealous of something.

After him letting you freely limp around again „what's for breakfast?" You asked Lucas. He still kept that weird look on his face. „Nothing special.. by the way how's your ankle?" He gave you one of his smiles. „better I guess." You said honestly.

„that's good to know." He continued to smile at you.
You felt how Wriothesley was staring daggers at Lucas, by just standing behind you.

„I'll get going, I can't skip too much work. Thanks for having me." Wriothesley said as he finished changing into his casual wear. „wait you're not gonna eat with us?" You asked just where he was about to leave. „I'll eat at the fortress, thanks for offering me some food but I don't want to cause anymore trouble." And just like that he left, leaving you slightly disappointed and Lucas with a bright smile.

„Finally he's gone." Lucas said as he continued making his 'not special' pancakes in the kitchen.
„How can you say that? His Grace is a man filled with respect." You said as you pouted at him.
„I'm sorry my lady for my actions. It's just I have a different sight of him than you." He bowed towards you.

Nothing to blame ~ Wriothesley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now