One of a billion fish in the Ocean

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„My lady! You're back home!" Lucas greeted you with a smile. „It's been quite a long day, I really need to take these heels off." you rubbed your eyes as you took them off.

„should I make you some tea, my lady?" Lucas offered. „Yes please." you said as you hit the couch face first. You were walking all over the place.
From Cendre Fleuve to The Court of Fontaine all the way to the beach and to Poisson, at the end of the day, you had to walk all the way back.

As you sat properly, Lucas already prepared the tea.
„Here's you tea, my lady." Lucas handed you the tea and walked back to the kitchen.

„How's your ankle by the way?" he asked as he cleaned some dishes in the sink.
„From wearing these heels all day.. I don't think it's getting any better." You missed Wriothesley cold touch on your ankle. It felt so relieving.

„Oh.. should I get some special cream for you?"
Lucas seemed concerned. You shook your head at him. „May I ask you a question?" you asked him which made him raise a brow. „Sure go ahead."
He smiled as he stopped washing the dishes so he could listen to you. „Do you have a vision?" you asked which just caught him off guard.
„Sadly I don't have one. There are many people who have but I don't." Lucas scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

„Well me neither." you shrugged your shoulders.
„Navia has a geo one though, she's quite powerful because of it." Lucas explained. Ever since you were small, you wanted a vision. Like possessing one would be a dream for you.

„If you would get a vision what do you think you'll get?" he asked you as he poured himself  some freshly made tea. „I was thinking probably a dendro vision. I thought it would match my character."
You said as you took a sip of your own tea.
„Personally I thought you would get a electro vision."
He said and smiled at you at the same time.

„Oh how so?" You said as you raised an eyebrow at him. „Serious people always tend to have electo visions. Like miss Clorinde. Since you care about others and you're always serious all the time. I'm sure you would get an electro vision." he explained which made you feel slightly offended. You serious?
You couldn't be serious all the time. Right?

„So you're telling me I'm a serious person?" You gave him the biggest side eye of all time. „Please my lady, don't take my words seriously." Lucas smiled awkwardly. „I think I've heard enough." you took the last sip of tea and stormed up to your room.

Lucas felt like shit. He offended the woman who he had to serve and protect with his life. He let you go to your room, hoping you would calm down.
You flopped on your bed and grunted into your pillow. Tomorrow was going to be a new day. So you told yourself to stop acting like a pussy.


„Good morning my lady, I must apologize for my actions yesterday." Lucas bowed slightly, hoping you would forgive him. „Don't worry about it.. I was just overreacting." you smiled at him.

„Would you like to accompany me to the house of the hearth?" you asked him. He looked at you with a pale face. „The house of the Hearth?!" He wasn't sure if he heard you correctly. You nodded at him, basically telling him that he heard you correctly.
„That's a death sentence for me.." Lucas said as he poured you some tea. „So should I go alone then?" You asked him, making him feel somehow guilty not wanting to come with.

„well if you're with me, it would be an honor."
Lucas sipped his last bit of tea and went to make himself ready and so did you.

Half an hour later, you both were ready to go.
„Do you know your way, my lady?" Lucas asked as you both walked out of the house. You shook your head „I was hoping you would know."

Nothing to blame ~ Wriothesley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now