A cup of Tea

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„So how's the investigation going?" He asked as he took another sip of his tea.

„I'm telling you this again, she doesn't have any intentions for murder." Adeline said as she stared into his soul.

She was sick of his Shit and jokes, all she wanted was his mora.

„By looking from afar?" he asked mockingly.

He just hit a nerve. She had it.
She stood up and took a hold of his teacup and smashed it against a wall.

Wriothesley looked at his now shattered teacup on the floor. „Wow... that was an expensive gift from Clorinde you know?" He said while she sat down again trying to calm down again.

„I don't give a fuck, if you don't believe me so be it."
Adeline said and crossed her legs.

„Is there nothing special about that girl? Like no special interests or anything? You can't get a hold of information likethat? That's embarrassing."
He mocked her again.

„Fine if that's what you want, I'll go snoop through her whole life then." she stood up and left his office.

„How should I explain that broken teacup to Clorinde.." he mumbled to himself as he stood up from his chair to pick up the shards of his teacup on the floor.


It's been a few days since that incident.
It's creepy knowing he has his eyes everywhere.
„Hey Y/N!" you turned your head towards that voice.

You smiled as you saw it was Louise.
„How's your head doing?" she asked and sat next to you.

You were just about to eat your welfare meal.
„It's been better, aren't you going to eat something?"
You asked her.

She shook her head and said „I already ate something before you."

„Well if you say so." you said and took a spoonful of some weird green soup.

„Did you already get used to the food here?" she asked, wondering why you aren't doing any weird faces anymore.

You nodded and continued eating your soup.
„I got a random question." Louise stated.

„Then shoot away." you said and took another spoonful of some soup.

„What was your favorite food?" Louise asked.

‚Well that came out of nowhere' you thought to yourself. Now you were wondering why she was asking.

„Since I'm from Inazuma, I'd have to say mixed Yakisoba." you answered.

Now thinking about your favorite food. You started missing the taste of it.

„I've never had that before but when you say it then I bet it tastes good." Louise said as she smiled at you.

„What about yours?" You asked also now curious what she's into.

„As a kid I always loved garlic Baguette." she said.
That reminded you, on the first day you arrived in Fontaine you had garlic baguette for Lunch.

„It does taste good." you agreed with her.
„You had garlic baguette?" she asked.

„Well I remember the first day I came here, the first meal I had was garlic baguette." you said.

„Didn't you get put on trial on the first day?"
Louise asked curiously.

„Well yes, right after lunch." you confirmed.
She nodded expecting you to tell her more about that day.

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