14 - 'HER' love towards her 'EX'!

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- FLASH BACK (Akansha POV) -

I opened my eyes to see myself covered with all wires and Machines around me, my heart was paining, as my body started to feel the surroundings my skin started to burn, the wires which were attached to my body was feeling like someone is stabbing me with knife.

Then I heard the doctor.

"Usually truck accidents ki wajah se itna damage nhi hota body ko but I found several scratching marks on her upper body, like her back, her stomach as well as her upper chest area too, I also observed that her face was a having a hand marks, looks like someone slapped her bad, and because of that the gums of her back teeth were bleeding, and a important reason ki something might be troubling her, I saw her eyes and body state, she is disturbed, I will advise you to make her feel loved and happy, it will make her heal quickly, it's 2 weeks now she didn't opened her eyes, if she doesn't get her consciousness till next 3-4 days her condition might get very serious which could lead her to death!"

I closed my eyes, I don't want to hear any further conversation of them.

Even if I am awake I'll still pretend to sleep, I don't want live here in this world now, they'll think that I am not waking up so papa and mumma will loose there hope that I'll be alive and leave, I seriously don't wanna face anyone now.

I opened my eyes to see the doctor coming inside the room, as soon as she saw me, she rushed towards me and started checking me up.

- TIME SKIP (After 5 days) -

My wounds were healing from outside but the scar and pain my heart got will never heal.

All the wires were detached from my body, I was going to discharge in next 2 days.

I was sitting on the bed and was taking my pills, nurse was standing beside me holding the glass of water, i took my pill and drank some water, I heard a knock at the door, nurse went to the door to check who it is, the nurse closed the door and came near me and said, "mam someone came to meet you, I'll leave!" She said and went towards the door and left.

Then I saw someone entering the room, it was 'Abir', I clutched the bedsheet, my heart beats getting faster, I was feeling uneasy to breathe, he came near me and sat on the bed, "calm down baby, I am here!" He said and smirked.

I wanted to scream but my voice was stuck at my throat, my throat was hurting. He came near me and cupped my right sided cheek, he dragged his hands down to my neck, he kept his hand on my throat area and started to give pressure on it, which was making me breathless, he then started coming closer to my neck, I knew what he wanted to do.

"Stop! Don't touch me! Don't touch me, do-don't dare to touch m-me!" My voice was so hoarse, my throat was paining so bad, I was struggling to speak, I was scared of him, he still didn't listen to me, I started to scream mumma and papa, he kept his palm on my lips.

His hands were soft as it were I haven't held his hands and went to a walk from a while, I feel like hugging him and telling him all my problems, but this time he was the problem.

"Why should I stop? I already talked to your parents, and about your bestfriend she left for her home, your parents didn't knew about anything, I had a conversation with them about our marriage, you father said 'i feel like something bad happened with her, if she really loves you then we'll do a court marriage atleast my daughter will be happy!' so now I am already your husband, after using you, I'll divorce you!" He said and started coming close to me.

Having no energy iny body I stopped, I stopped moving, my mind was filled with different thoughts, I closed my eyes, I can't do anything.

I felt his hand on my forehead, I opened my eyes to see my father standing at the door and his hand was on my head.

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