La Cloche - La Cloche is indeed real

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(Drawing by Streg)

Hey, hi everyone. It's Caroline. Yeah, it's been a long time since I did a live... but I don't think you'll be happy for long. You know, I can't take it anymore. My father committed suicide. He saw that thing, just for a few minutes, and he couldn't bear it. Like me, any sound resembling a bell would completely panic him. My parents really loved each other, and my mother followed him just a few days later... and me... I can't stand to hear church bells, my doorbell, my phone, or even a car horn... I'm in a constant panic. I can't take it anymore. But you know what's even worse? It's seeing regular disappearance alerts. So, damn it! I told you not to go there, and what do you do?! Because you didn't believe it or just to give yourself thrills, you go looking for that thing! That's the result! Fifty disappearances in less than a month! A MONTH! You're crazy! This thing haunts me day and night, I can't live anymore, and you, you're looking for it!

...Some in the chat were right, yeah. I'm in the forest. The sun is setting soon. I just thought of hanging myself in my apartment, but what lesson would that have given, huh? So here. I've decided to do a live. Yeah, go ahead, call the cops if you want. You'll just give La Cloche even more food...

While waiting for this thing to arrive, I have to tell you something important. I tried to keep busy, to stop thinking about it. I did things I love. And you know what? It was worse. I visited a cave like Lascaux, with lots of cave paintings. I've always loved prehistory. Except among the drawings, there was one that immediately caught my eye. It showed men running. But unlike all the others, they had no weapons in their hands. Despite the simplicity of these drawings, I immediately understood that they were afraid. They were fleeing something. And there, I looked at the one who was right behind the others. Something was grabbing him. Like a tentacle, but attached to a body... that looked like the way they drew wolves, only thinner. Basically, the body seemed to be that of a greyhound. I asked the guide, who spouted a ton of nonsense, like they wanted to represent a mammoth. There were mammoth drawings. And they were perfectly well done, for the time. I knew what it was. It was this thing. La Cloche. But... without a bell. It's not part of its body. You absolutely have to listen to me. This thing is smart enough to use objects. And it has existed for at least as long as we have... maybe even longer. It sets traps, it lures its prey. You have no chance. We have no chance... and there may be several of them. Please, you have to take this message seriously this time!

(Bell ring)

Do you hear it? Its here... those who are sensitive had better leave. It's over. I'm not going to try to escape.

(Bell ring)

...Its here. Right in front of me. I see it... I... No... friends... I don't want to die. Please...

(Bell ring)

No... I've changed my mind. Please. No!


(Bell ring)

(Bell ring)

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