My strange babies

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I have always wanted to have children. When I was little, I had a whole collection of dolls that I took great care of. I had all kinds, from basic to electronic. Almost always, my family would offer me dolls because they knew I loved taking care of them like real babies. They all had names, and I enjoyed pretending to feed and change them.

As I grew up, of course, they went to the attic. I was an adult and I was soon going to have a real baby. I only kept my three favorites, which I had named Alexis, Théo, and Tara. I thought that my future child would also enjoy playing with them as they grew up, so I placed them in their room.

With my fiancé, we had prepared a beautiful child's room next to ours, with a forest theme. The mobile above the bed represented animals, and we had all kinds of stuffed rabbits, bears, deer, birds, and even a wild boar. Everything was ready...

It was at six months of pregnancy that the problems arose. Unbearable pain led me urgently to the hospital. I lost it. I lost my child. And even worse. Due to a complication, the doctor told me that I could never have children again. I was devastated. And instead of supporting me, my fiancé left me, claiming that, now sterile, I was no longer a real woman. When I saw him, a week later in the city, with another girl already on his arm, I quickly guessed that he was cheating on me, he just needed the perfect excuse to leave me.

In less than a month, my life, which had seemed so perfect, had completely collapsed. I would have certainly done something stupid if I had not turned all my frustration to my dolls. I started to dress them up and took out my old play kitchen to get the plastic food and pretend to feed them. Some will surely think that I had lost my mind, but that was my way of mourning the baby I had not had. Of course, I did not talk about it. Anyway, I had taken two whole months off, which my boss had accepted without discussion after learning about the loss of my child. He was a father himself, and although he had never shown himself to be a very understanding boss until then, this situation touched him. So I only went out to do my shopping. That's why my friend Arthur was worried. And instead of calling, he preferred to come and see me directly. I just told him that I needed rest after all this. I did not really want to let him in, since the dolls were sitting in the kitchen, on high chairs, with fake food in their little ladybug-shaped plates.

He eventually got me to give in, but contrary to what I feared, he did not judge me. He took me in his arms and reassured me. 

"I'm really sorry. I almost feel guilty for having had a child without complications. I completely understand your need to take care of babies, even if they are fake. But you know, I might have something that might please you. One of my friends has one." 

He sat at my computer and presented me with the "Reborn". They are dolls, entirely made of soft silicone, handmade. They are painted and prepared to look like real babies, and I must admit that the resemblance is particularly disturbing. 

He showed me different photos of possible customizations, then videos of the creation. The sculpture of the prototype, the creation of the mold, the painting, and the implantation of the hair and eyelashes, one by one, with a needle. The manufacturing took a lot of time and was very meticulous. 

"So, isn't it amazing? Of course, it's really expensive, but if you want one, I'll offer it to you if you want." 

"No, I have more than enough means, Arthy. It's true that they are beautiful... but maybe a little too real. They look like dead babies." 

"It's true that seeing people manipulate their soft bodies is a bit weird. It's not for nothing that they use these dolls for the cinema. But there might be a version more suitable for you." 

He launched a new search, typing this time "Reborn Fantasy". The possibilities of creations were truly endless. There were little vampires, demons, fauns, and even a Na'vi baby from the movie "Avatar". Arthur knew that I loved fantasy. If the more realistic versions of the Reborn made me doubt, these ones, on the contrary, completely seduced me.

I decided to keep it simple for my first order. I contacted a creator and asked for a little elf girl. Realism would be there, but her pointed ears would remind me that she's a doll. Her creation only took a week because she already had the mold for a baby elf. She then sent me photos of this adorable little girl, which she had set up with suitable clothes for a better result. I fell totally in love with her and immediately paid the second part of the payment. She sent the package as a priority, and I received it in just two days. It made me think of the stork legend, and it made me smile.

The little elf was exactly as I hoped. She weighed the same as a real baby, and the silicone texture was exactly the same as real baby skin. I immediately loved her very much. I held her close to my heart, and it was really as if I had never lost my child. I called her Rylianne and put her in the room. I took care of her all day, and I even called Arthur to come and meet her. He jokingly offered to be her godfather. Of course, she was just a very realistic doll, but he promised to buy her gifts for Christmas.

However, I really wanted to hold all kinds of fantastic creatures in my arms, so I placed a huge order with the same artist. It was supposed to take longer because she had to create some molds entirely, but she agreed. That's how four other babies joined Rylianne. 

I bought them all beds, and I even cleared out my ex's office to turn it into a second room. I ordered a little alien with big black eyes and purplish skin, which I called Jayla, a goblin baby, Raax, and an orc baby, Wylo. And finally, a little manticore as described in the novel "The Bermuda School," humanoid, covered in short scarlet fluff, with a tousled mane on its head, a face half-human, half-feline, paws instead of feet, and a scorpion tail. I called him Claye. 

They were so realistic that I found myself taking care of them with all the love I had not been able to give to my real child. I rocked them, changed them, even though they didn't dirty their diapers, fed them, of course, and sometimes I even went to rock them in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep. They were fake, but they made me happy.

Then, yesterday, I was getting ready to go back to work. I had still done some work from home, and I had to bring back the files I had finished during my leave. While I was filling my briefcase, I heard a cry. A baby's cry, coming from the forest-themed room. 

I didn't react right away. My heart started beating very hard. For a moment, I wondered if taking care of these little silicone beings hadn't driven me crazy. 

Then, a second cry joined the first. I don't know if it's maternal instinct, but I started running to the room. Rylianne was writhing in her bed, crying with tears on her cheeks. 

In the neighboring bed, Raax was doing the same. And I could see Wylo's chest rising gently with his breathing as he slept peacefully. Convinced that I had lost my mind, I asked Arthur to come immediately to confirm whether he saw the same thing as me. 

By the time he arrived, they had all woken up and were crying together. And no, I'm not crazy. Arthur heard them and saw them moving perfectly well. After the surprise passed, he let me calm them down, leaving to do some shopping for me. Because of course, I didn't have formula, diapers, or baby hygiene products.

That's how I suddenly became the mother of five real children who are far from being human. Some are more difficult to handle than others, but you know, I have no regrets. I love them with all my heart.

If I'm writing here, it's not just to tell my story or to ask for information about their species, as I am well informed about all these creatures. 

It's mainly because I will still have to go back to work to raise all these little ones, and I'm looking for one or more nannies. I chose a forum on the paranormal because, as you can imagine, I can't just take anyone. 

So I would ask serious people who think they are qualified enough in fantasy to please send me a private message. There are a whole bunch of strict rules to follow, and they don't all have the same diet. However, I think my post is long enough, so I will stop here. 

But feel free to ask me questions, whether you are interested in the position or not, I will be happy to answer.

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