Hethael's confession (School of Bermuda)

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(Character from The School of Bermuda : https://www.wattpad.com/story/359083187-the-school-of-bermuda-volume-1-the-hunter%27s )

I can see that you have been following me since that day. I pretended. I acted as if I didn't see you, hoping that you would leave. But you were always there. And today, I have finally decided to talk to you. Don't say anything. Just listen to me. I know. I know that I am unforgivable. Not a day has passed without my reflection in the mirror being unbearable to me. I had to act as if everything was fine. They shouldn't think that I was affected. You were my little ray of sunshine. My dear daughter. Our family was so close. And even though your mother left us early, we overcame her disappearance together, you, your brothers, and me. 

Your mother... she never liked your training. She always watched over me, she scolded me when I pushed you a little too much. She accepted who I was, but she worried too much. Lili, when you were eleven, this man came to bring a letter. It was intended for you. But I knew who he was. I knew what it was about. And I couldn't accept it. Not you. Not my daughter. For hundreds of generations, we have been witch hunters from father to son. I don't know when, or how, the taint reached our blood. You were a witch. Like the man who came to get you. But it fell on me. I killed him. 

I didn't gave any explanation to your brothers who just got rid of the body, and I isolated myself. The letter in my hands. I tried to persuade myself that everything was false. It couldn't be true. You couldn't be involved. I didn't want to believe it. I spent the day rereading the words addressed to you. Your enrollment in that damned school. I knew they would find out sooner or later. If I prevented you from going there, others would come for you. If I hid you, I would have betrayed our order. A witch. I still couldn't believe it, but the facts were there. 

I finally went into your room. You were so sweet. So innocent. You were playing so calmly with your favorite doll. You smiled at me when you saw me and you got up to come to me. You didn't even know. You never knew why I had that dagger. You didn't even had time to understand what was happening when I stabbed you in the chest. I aimed for the heart. Most other hunters would have made you suffer for hours. I wanted you to have a quick death. Your little pink dress was covered in red when you collapsed into my arms. I didn't even had the heart to let you fall to the ground, I caught you. I cried. I cried so much, until your brothers arrived. I had trained them well. They were already good hunters. Telling them what you were was enough for them to forgive my act. But I never forgave myself. 

I didn't even give you a proper funeral. I just followed the rule. I made you disappear, simply. And you're here. You haven't stopped following me since that day. Without anyone else seeing you. The gaping wound on your chest, with the eternal appearance of the little girl you were. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Lili. It took me so many years to finally dare to look you in the face. Look into your empty eyes and your whitish skin. The blood inexorably flows from your wound. And you smile. Why are you smiling? You should hate me, curse me! I would deserve it a hundredfold! I know now. I know that I'm not on the right side. But it's too late. You are dead. I should have spared you. I should have fled with you. I didn't wanted to kill you! Please. Say something. Say that you hate me and that I will pay! That's why you followed me all these years, right? Lili... talk to me. Kill me, if that's what you want. I deserve to pay.

—No, dad. I saw you cry. I saw you curse yourself while looking in the mirrors. I saw you, so often, go back to where you had burned my body and sit there for hours, maybe hoping that the fire would reappear as if by magic to take you away. I saw you beg for death in your last fight against a sorcerer. That fight where you lost an arm and an eye. I saw you, so many times, punish yourself. I didn't follow you to harm you. I followed you hoping that you would notice me. Because I just wanted to tell you one last time: I love you, dad.

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