The Magical girls' secret (Magical Boy)

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(Character from Magical Boy : )

Do you know about magical girls? Of course. Who doesn't know about them. In summary, for those who don't know, they are perfectly ordinary, even insignificant young girls. Until their lives are turned upside down by their encounter with a guardian. Powers are then entrusted to them. They can be of any kind. Sounds appealing, doesn't it?

Everyone dreams of being able to use magic to defend justice. But do you think there's no price to pay? Really?

It's high time to set the record straight.

Firstly, the magical girl uses a power that does not belong to her. It's cool to be chosen, that's what everyone thinks. But it's less cool to have to adapt your body. Do you think it's easy to do? That you will receive your power and everything is pretty, everything is rosy? No, that's just one side of the story.

This is where the accessory comes in. A scepter, which, when not in use, takes the form of jewelry. It can be a bracelet, a ring, a hair clip, or even glasses. It serves as a channel and adapts the power to the human body that receives it. It mainly protects the magical girl... from herself.

It's simple.

Let's take a harmless power. Jumping. Being able to make gigantic leaps. Without her accessory, the magical girl using it would simply break her legs.

And what about those capable of growing wings at will? Their skin would tear and their bones would shatter.

And the fire? This power is deadly for anyone who uses it without a channeler.

Still not changed your mind? Well...

Let's talk about the guardians.

You know them well. Those adorable little talking plush toys of all colors. How cute they are. As soon as a new magical girl appears, the merchandise featuring her mascot earns millions for toy companies. And no one has ever wondered exactly where they come from.

I'll tell you.

The guardians were like you before. Humans. With a life. Maybe a family. They are spirits. With a soul strong enough to take on a new form after their death. They receive a power they are unable to use and must then bond with a human to entrust it to them.

The guardians do not remember their past life. They know what they are. But they don't know who they were.

Except for me.

I died and became a guardian about six months ago. And I remember my whole life. My childhood, my parents, my marriage, my accident. And my little girl... was this new form granted to me to watch over her? I don't think so. I can't even bond with my daughter. She was born with a power. So if I tried to entrust her with mine, they would mutually cancel each other out.

And then, I can't go see her in this form. She will never believe it's really me.

But I can protect her in another way.

I wonder who decided what the guardians should do. Because I look like a rabbit, should I just stick to being a nice little creature? No...

My daughter was placed in a horrible family. And I'm not going to let them harm her any longer.

I found a human. She has a bad enough background to kill, but limited enough intelligence to let me guide her.

Maybe it's time for us too, to become evil geniuses.

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