Don't go to that orphanage.

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Alright, it's recording... heeey, hi friends! Welcome back to the URBalEX channel! I noticed that the abandoned mall didn't really impress you last time. Of course, it's not as exciting as a school or a hospital! Heh, I see some messages talking about the scare we had when visiting that asylum the other time! It's true, it was creepy!

For today's live, I have a little surprise for you. It's not a building that's been abandoned for a long time, and even better, it's not monitored at all. The road leading to it is quite overgrown with vegetation after three years of abandonment, that's why I'm on foot. I really wouldn't want to damage my car.

Hm... (reads the messages) Why did I choose a recent place? It's true that the older they are, the more terrifying they are, but you know, the locals are convinced that the place is haunted. (laughs) Relax, we're going there. It's an orphanage. And not just any orphanage. It seems that all the children there had illnesses or deformities. It's as if even in the 21st century, differences frighten everyone. I've already started walking from the city, a good half hour before starting the live, and I'm not there yet. They really didn't want to see those poor kids. It seems that they didn't even go to school and that no one came forward to adopt them... Yeah... I agree, it's sad. But since no one dares to approach it, not even the local kids, I imagine there will be lots of things to see. Everything must still be in place and in good condition. Well... as good a condition as can be for a building abandoned for three years.

And by the way, we're here! I finally see the gate! It seems that it was the mansion of a lord before. It's really beautiful, friends! I wish I could film. But don't worry, I won't miss any photos!

The building... it really looks old. There are tiles missing from the roof, as if it had been abandoned for much longer. I see a window barricaded with planks, I guess it's because it's broken... but no one maintained the place when the orphans were still there?

Well... I'll take some photos... and let's go in. I'll describe everything to you... you know what I find strange? There's not a single children's game in the courtyard. No swing set, not even a ball left in a corner. Either they cleared everything out when they left... or those poor children didn't have a very good life... let's see your messages... oh... why did they abandon the orphanage? In fact, we don't really know... it seems that the manager suddenly disappeared. Rumors say he took the donation money and ran away, leaving the children to their fate. I imagine they placed them in other orphanages. Wait a second... there. A photo of the door knocker. You should see this thing, it's incredible. It's in the shape of a lion holding the knocker in its mouth. The sculpture is beautiful. Hehe. Yeah, I can imagine you're eager to see the photos! As soon as I can afford a good camera, we'll do real live broadcasts in images!

Alright! Now it's time to go in, into this orphanage...

Wow... friends, it's... for an abandoned building, it's rather clean. There's a lot of dust but... I don't know how to say it, it's... it's way too little. Well, the hall is quite large, and there are some photos on the walls. It looks like photos of the children who were there. Good Lord... I was told they were disabled and deformed but some of them... there are deformities that I didn't even know about! Don't worry, I'm taking photos.

There's a chest of drawers... hm... nothing in the drawers except for keys. And there's some kind of cloth doll in the middle of the hallway... it looks handmade. And it's in the box. I see several people who don't seem to like the doll, hehe. Especially because it's creepy. I've never liked button eyes.

The hallway continues to the stairs at the back, and there are doors on each side. So? Right? Left? Right? Okay. The first one on the right then. It seems to be the dining room. A large table and several chairs. Even high chairs. It's... (sniffs) wow... it's as if someone had eaten here today. It smells good. I don't know if I should be worried. I'll just go check the kitchen.

(distant laughter)

Did... did you hear that? Damn... no, I don't believe in ghosts... and it's not a setup, damn it! I... I think I'd better get out of here. No need to call me a coward!

...Damn... friends, the doll... the doll is gone... it's not in the hallway anymore... what do you mean continue? Do you want me dead??? I'm going to have a damn heart attack live! (breathes heavily)

Okay, okay, I'll look into one more room, but if weird things happen, I'm out, okay? I'll take the second one on the right. Since it's next to the dining room, I guess it's the kitchen... and bingo... no, it's too well-organized to be abandoned! The traces on the dishes in the sink are recent! I swear someone lives here!


AAH! What was that?! Damn! The door slammed shut! But what... no... I can't open it!


-"It's a normal."

-"We need to warn Xia."

-"There's a normal in the house."

What... hey, is someone behind the door? Answer me! I didn't know people lived here, I swear! I can't hear anything... through the window, you're funny! It's very small and very high. I'm trying to open the door but... damn, it won't budge. Uurgh!



-"He's waking up."

-"Xia, he's waking up!"

What... damn... my head...

-"Well, the normals are quite rude, it seems."

What... who... I can't see anything...

-"With your eyes blindfolded, that's normal. Go heat some water, Kali."

-"Yes, Xia!"

What are you... listen, I'm sorry... I didn't know that...

-"There's a sign indicating that it's private property."

No... this place was abandoned...

-"Let me remove this blindfold." I saw you in the photos... you're one of the orphans! And... and those children... you... you weren't placed elsewhere?!

-"Placed? To go where? They would have preferred to kill us rather than welcome monsters into their homes. That's the problem with you normals."

No... wait, we're not all like that...

-"SHUT UP! We don't need you! But you keep coming here constantly! We regularly see idiots like you passing by. They're here screaming about ghosts or claiming they would have helped us if they had known! A bunch of nonsense!"

You... have been living alone here since the manager abandoned you?

-"Abandoned? (laughs) He didn't do anything of the sort! He were making far too much money for that! Do you want to know what happened to our manager?"

Wh... hey... put down that knife, kid... please...

-"I killed that bastard! And all those who ventured here after that! You see, we're left to fend for ourselves. And in the end, we still need the normals... after all... we need to eat, right?"

What... what? No... no!!! Aaaah!!!

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