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My sister always gets what she wants. She often just has to bat her eyelashes to get anything, even from the teachers. It's true that my sister is beautiful. And since we are twins, I am just as much so. But here's the thing: I am a boy. I love my sister, but she is a bit eccentric. She always uses her charming face to get everything. And when I say everything, I mean even the boys that I fancy. And it's because of this annoying habit that all of this happened...

It all started when she got a new boyfriend. After introducing him to us, or rather, after parading him around like a new pair of fashionable shoes, I had a violent argument with her. She knew. She knew that this guy was totally my type. A Californian surfer type, with blond hair, tanned skin, blue eyes, and charming manners. Just because I'm a boy doesn't mean I don't have the right to fantasize about fairy tales after all. What annoyed me the most was knowing that she would drop him as soon as she got bored. That's just how she was. She had a new boyfriend about every month. She even changed three times in two weeks once. She liked knowing that she was the muse of our college. If I had known that my last discussion with her would be an argument...

We stopped talking to each other and even writing to each other for a whole week. It hurt me. She was still my sister despite her bratty behavior, but I didn't want to make the first move. It was up to her to apologize. I knew she had deliberately come to show off Henry to make me jealous. Henry... it was hard to think about anything else. He was perfectly my type. If he was with my sister, he surely wasn't gay, so I didn't stand a chance, but I would have preferred to know that he was single. I didn't want my sister to make him suffer. I preferred to immerse myself in my studies. It didn't surprise me to hear that my sister was absent from class. She had this annoying habit of skipping the classes she liked the least to fool around with boys. She had even been expelled several times for that. But that morning, someone came to get me in the middle of class.

My sister had been found dead. Her body mutilated, an expression of terror on her disfigured face, and most importantly, her heart torn out. Her heart was never found.

I cried all the tears of my body. My sister was not a saint, but she didn't deserve this! No one deserved such a fate.

Our whole family gathered for her funeral - which is to say, not many people - and Henry came. He brought a huge bouquet of roses to put on her grave. I decided to go see him. Not to snag him, but to console him.

"Hey... um... Henry? Are you okay, buddy?"

"Oh, it's you. It's more like I should be asking you that, right?"

He wiped a tear from my cheek.

"You have red eyes. You really loved your sister, didn't you? You loved her sincerely."

"Yes... I know she wasn't the best girlfriend but..."

"No, that's for sure. She didn't hide it."

"Did you know she... she saw other guys?"

"Well, it's not the first time and it probably won't be the last. Sometimes I seriously think about switching teams."

My heart jumped in my chest. It was wrong. I started to imagine for a moment that I could probably convince him, while we were standing right in front of my sister's freshly closed grave. Damn! That wasn't like me!

"Excuse me, Henry... I have to go home. I have a lot of things to deal with her death and..."

"I understand, don't worry. If you ever need someone to talk to, you must have my number in her phone. Let's have a drink sometime."

The smile he offered me was charming, but restrained. He surely thought like me, that it wasn't right. Or was I imagining things? I almost ran away from the cemetery, leaving him standing there, in front of my sister's grave. In truth, I just had a few of her subscriptions to cancel, but nothing more. I simply felt that I needed to get away.

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