Don't cry

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Aaah... here you are, opening your eyes, my dear. I thought you were going to sleep for hours. Shh, calm down. 

What? You should try to articulate when you speak, you know? Alison, is that it? I found your ID card. There are very beautiful children in your wallet. Are they yours? Hm? Sorry, I didn't understand. (laughs softly) Oh, I almost forgot. It's true, how silly of me. I cut your tongue an hour ago. 

Oh no... no, no, no... don't cry, please. It doesn't suit your pretty face, my dear. No tears. Come on, make an effort. Don't cry... (getting annoyed) I said: DON'T. CRY. !!! (calms down) Oh, sorry. I got carried away. 

There... let me wipe away those nasty tears. That's better. You won't cry anymore, will you? Oh... no, don't look at me with those eyes. Stop it. It makes me want to rip them out. I'm sure we can make things go better for you if you cooperate. You're not going to start crying again, are you? 

You know, Alison, I have nothing against you, darling. I don't even know you. I don't think I've ever seen you before. You were just in the wrong place... at the wrong time. It's rather unfortunate for you. Your little boys are waiting for you at home? And if I believe the messages on your phone, there's no one else. 

Look at this, two years of messages from his new wife to taunt you.Why do you keep them? You're just hurting yourself for nothing, darling. Hm... that idiot even gave you her address. I might pay her a little visit. After meeting your charming children, of course. 

Are those tears? Again? Haven't we been clear about this, my dear? I'm going to have to take action. (angrily) YOU make me take action! Look what you're forcing me to do! I told you not to cry! Bite on this, you're making too much noise! (calms down) Ah, there we go. At least I can hardly hear your screams now. 

Stay still, darling. It's almost over. What would you do with two legs, anyway? It's not like you can go anywhere. Ah! The bony part is the hardest to cut. (makes a difficult effort) hey, you have pretty strong bones, darling. (finishes) Phew. I thought the saw was going to break. That would have been a shame, I'm attached to it. It belonged to my father. He taught me how to cut straight, to make a clean stump afterwards. Oh, and the fire for cauterizing, of course! 

Stop moving, you'll bleed out. It would be a shame if you died so quickly, darling. And there we go. 

Oh? Hey? Come on, wake up. It's not fun when you're unconscious. Alison, darling? Hey there? Ah! There, back among us. You see, it wasn't so terrible. And if you're nice, I'll kill you before I go see your boys, so you won't have to watch. You see, I'm reasonable. But you have to earn it, darling. So, be quiet and grit your teeth. The arms are thinner, it'll be quicker. Just think of something else. Kittens? Slaughtered kittens! Ahahaha! Hem. Sorry, I have to stay serious. My father always said, "if you're distracted during an amputation, you might mess it up." 

A great man, my father, you know? He was a veterinarian. But he didn't like animals. I like them. So, since he taught me everything, I made him proud. I showed him I had learned his lessons well. 

Hey! Look at that! One arm cut off already and you didn't even scream! Let me take care of the other now. My father, I cut off his arms first. After all, he knew how to do it too, I had to make sure he wouldn't struggle. Then the nose. Snip! Ahaha! Oh, don't worry. You have a pretty face. It would be a shame to ruin it. The tongue, that's different. You can't see it. 

And there we go! Oh, you have very pretty hands, now that I see them up close. I might keep them. I could make... let's see... ashtrays, why not? But I don't smoke. It's so unpleasant. So maybe soap dishes. Oh, yes, I like that idea. I'll have to make sure they don't rot. 

Are you ready? It's time to cauterize. You won't faint this time, right? Look at me. There, like that. Focus on my face, it will hurt less. 

Hehe! Bravo, you're still conscious! You see, you're getting used to it. Well, my dear. You're wondering what's going to happen now? Well, there's... your teeth! Oh, yes, you take care of them. They're sparkling. Oh no. No. Open your mouth. (getting angry) Open your mouth! I told you to open it! (calms down) there we go. You see, it's not so hard to be a good girl. 

Keep your mouth wide open, or I'll have to break your jaw. It would leave a bruise, right there... it would be such a waste. Imagine when they find you. You have to stay presentable, darling. It's going to be long, but you can hold on, can't you? Haha! And there's the first tooth! It's beautiful! I'll wear it as a necklace. Aren't I the most charming of torturers? 

You know, I'm not the type to forget my victims. I always keep a little something of them. The others kill and move on. But me, I always keep little memories. Oh no, I won't forget you, Alison. I've never forgotten anyone. You give me such good moments, it would be really inhumane to just move on to the next as if you never existed. 

Hm... it looks like that was the last tooth. Perfect. Let's see... which knife do you prefer? You know, the finale is important, I want you to have your say. It has to be perfect.

Dagger, cleaver? Meat knife, perhaps? I also have a katana if you prefer. A beautiful decorative blade that I sharpened myself. Decide, treasure. Hm... you don't feel like choosing, huh? What a shame. I'll choose the meat knife. It does less damage but it's so much more intimate, don't you think? The blade is shorter, so we're closer. Let me see the color of your guts! Ahaha! 

With the katana, I wouldn't have had this sweet sensation of warm blood on my hand. What a pleasure! Oh, no! Not yet. Stay with me. I haven't even touched a sensitive spot. Breathe deeply. I'm sure you can hold on longer.

The longer you hold on, the later your boys will suffer the same fate. 

So hold on, Alison.

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