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Have you ever fallen in love? Most will answer yes... that they know true love and live a real fairy tale with their soulmate... it's false! (coughs)

None of you have ever really loved. Never hoped for anything in life other than to see the face of your loved one upon waking. (coughs) Humans almost never love. It's a rare fact... we have attraction, respect, friendship, but not love. That's why most cheat so easily or recover from a breakup quickly.

How do I know this? (coughs)

You suspect it... I have loved for real. It's a feeling that is incredibly addictive and terribly destructive... a painful pleasure, a cursed blessing... (coughs). I was rejected. My strong feelings were not reciprocated... and that's when I learned about Hanahaki... (coughs).

Hanahaki is not a person. It's not a ghost, a demon, a country, or even a city. It's a disease... (coughs)

It manifests itself in unrequited love, like mine, but also after the loss of our partner, whether due to a breakup or death... (coughs)

You understand now. If humans really loved as often as they claim, everyone would know this disease. In fact... there would be very few of us on earth. (coughs)

I went to see all possible specialists as soon as I started coughing up petals... but none of them knew what I had. It was on the internet that I found an answer. In truth, I don't know if Hanahaki is the real name of this disease, but that's what he called it. This young doctor whose blog was lost in the depths of the internet... he noted all his observations as the disease took hold of him, after the loss of his wife... (coughs) I imagine he has now gone to join her... it will soon be my turn...

Thorns topped with roses grow on my arms... My legs are already completely covered... I haven't been able to move for two days. (coughs) With every cough, I expel an alarming amount of blood, petals, and sometimes thorny stems... (coughs)

In a few days, my neighbors will start to worry... but they will only find a rose bush in front of my computer...

If humans fell in love more often, everyone would know Hanahaki (coughs)

But... don't let yourself be tempted. It's a poison.

I'm recording as long as I can still speak to warn you.

Do not fall in love... not for real!

Because if you truly meet your soulmate one day, then you will be doomed...

You know... there is no cure...


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