My strange babies - The rules

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Hello everyone. I'm making this second post because many of you have asked for more information about my babies and the strict rules I mentioned. Since I haven't found anyone yet, I've taken another month off. It's easy thanks to Arthur, he's a doctor. He gave me a more or less official sick leave so that my boss has nothing to say.

Well, I received a lot of responses regarding my search for nannies, and almost all of them asked to specify the rules before accepting or not. So I'm going to post them here, publicly, so I don't have to rewrite them a hundred times. Yes, I really had a lot of requests.

Let's start with Rylianne. She's one of the least difficult. Milk is not enough for her. I have a small supply of strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries that need to be mixed with her milk before giving it to her. Other fruits are possible, of course, and even vegetables. But those are her favorites. Then, she likes being outside. Of course, she's too young for me to let her roam freely in the garden, so I've set up a baby playpen on a patch of grass. You have to put her there for an hour, twice a day. She will lie down in the grass babbling. I usually put some stuffed animal toys for her. And that's all for her. I told you, she's really not difficult.

Jayla doesn't need anything mixed with her milk. As for food, she's the easiest. However, you must absolutely prepare her bottle outside the room and never bring anything that could hurt her. She must not leave her room. I had to make her a separate one because she almost hurt Claye. It's not out of malice. I just think she doesn't control her abilities. She has the annoying habit of making anything and everything fly to her so she can play with it. So apart from her rubber toys and stuffed animals, nothing should enter her room. Apart from her bed, there are not even any furniture, because she also manages to move them. At least, her stuffed animals and toys can't hurt her. To enter her room, you must absolutely leave your belongings outside. You must not have any other object than her bottle. By the way, I bought her a soft plastic bottle to avoid her getting hurt. She doesn't always manage to catch the object before it reaches her and often gets hit in the face.

Raax and Wylo are very similar. You may notice that I have a second freezer in my kitchen, which is filled to the brim with meat, mainly minced steaks. This is because the little goblin and the little orc do not drink milk. By the way, Claye doesn't either, but we'll come back to that later. Unlike Rylianne and Jayla, they already have teeth. Normally, when you arrive, there will already be steaks in the fridge, defrosted in advance. You will have to cook 5. One for Raax, two for Wylo and two for Claye. Do not overcook them. The meat should just be heated. For them, you will have to take them to the kitchen and place them in their high chairs. Their names are written on them, you can't go wrong. Then, in one of the cupboards, you can find small baby plates in the shape of ladybugs and butterflies. Put their steaks in them, and place the plate in front of them. They can eat perfectly by themselves. Do not try to help them, they might accidentally bite you. And believe me, you don't want that to happen to you. I had about ten stitches on my right hand. Just put the plate down and step back so they don't mistake your hand for their steak. They will manage perfectly by taking the meat with their little hands and devouring it. As soon as they're done, you just have to put them back in their beds. They fall asleep very quickly when they've eaten.

Finally, Claye is the most difficult. Like Raax and Wylo, he eats meat. But unlike them, he is much less calm. There is a second baby pen in the garden, a little bigger, and you will have to take him there. Like Rylianne, he likes to be outside. 

However, you must watch him closely because he sometimes manages to climb the fences. You must keep him busy by giving him electronic plush toys that he will enjoy trying to catch. I have a whole stock of them, as he tends to destroy them. But that's not the worst part. You must absolutely pay attention to his scorpion tail. 

I block it by putting a cork stopper on it. But he sometimes manages to remove this protection. He can hurt himself with it, but he doesn't fear his own poison. No, it's you who are in danger. The manticore's poison is particularly powerful and painful, and there is no remedy. 

Your body will be paralyzed, while you suffer for hours and hours, unable to do anything. So, especially if you see that he has gotten rid of the protection, immediately retrieve the clamp that is hanging at the entrance, in front of the door. It is a telescopic metal clamp that is normally used to catch venomous snakes. You must then grab the scorpion tail with the clamp, to ensure that he cannot sting you. And without letting go, you will have to put the cork stopper back on the stinger, without missing, of course. 

If you prick your hand instead, it will be over for you. It's possible that the poison has spread into the stopper and that it has turned all black, crumbling. Don't panic. I keep a bunch of cork stoppers in a drawer in the living room. Now, there is still a small thing that might happen. 

If he undoes his protection, it is possible that, by the time you have gone to get the clamp, Claye has managed to get out of his pen. Usually, he heads straight for Rylianne's pen. You will have to take one of his electronic plush toys and lure him with it. Still, don't let him get too close to you. Claye is dangerous if he doesn't have protection on his stinger. 

You will have to place a plush toy in his pen and wait for him to return there on his own. The most effective toy for that is the monkey with its cymbals. Once he is in his pen, you can use the clamp and put the cork stopper back on. It doesn't always happen, but it's better that you know.

There you go. I hope my rules have been clear enough. You should understand now why I would prefer to have several nannies. If you have understood everything well, and if my descriptions have not made you change your mind, I am waiting for your applications. I assure you that you will love them. They are all wonderful.

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