Never piss off a fairy (School of Bermuda)

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(Character from The School of Bermuda : )

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My name is Bubak Straszydło. I was born in 970, in Poland. I was the son of wealthy farmers, the same ones who were responsible for delivering the tax to our sovereign, Mieszko I. When they left for the castle, they entrusted me to other peasants, and their daughter, Regina, quickly became my best friend. Just a friend, nothing more. Nevertheless, we made the decision to marry each other, knowing that our parents wanted it anyway. A choice we gave little thought to, but it seemed to be the best solution for living in peace. Regina loved women, and I loved men. However, our friendship bound us with a particularly rare complicity among couples of that time. We still fulfilled our "marital duty" to ensure offspring for our families, and we had two wonderful twin daughters. Their names were Marzena and Kaszia. They resembled their mother a lot. Brown hair, one blue eye and one green eye, a strong character, which did not sit well for girls at that time.

Regina had many lovers. Of course, I didn't hold it against her. We were only married in name. However, she was rarely at home. There is something else about her. She was a witch. Not the kind of witch who performs rituals, naked in the moonlight. Those stories are just fantasy. She spent her time helping people in need. Through healing, some potions for better crops, or even by fighting bandits or wild beasts. She always narrowly escaped the witch hunters, but often returned injured.

I was not in love with her, but she was my best friend. My only friend. I didn't know how to fight. I was even rather passive, always relying on her. My only strength was taking care of our daughters and the farm. However, I felt useless. I tended to her wounds in silence, but my mind only demanded vengeance. I wanted to be strong. I wanted to protect her, and our daughters. One of the rare times when Regina was at home, in 999, I pretended to go fetch wood to make sure she stayed. It was the first time I lied. It was not like me, and she knew it, so she had no trouble believing me.

I had heard stories and rumors about a forest five hours' walk from our village. It was said that a strange altar stood there, at the source of a stream, and that by bringing an offering of fresh fruits, a wish would be granted to us. I stopped at the market to buy a basket filled with beautiful apples, and I continued on to the woods. The sun was shining brightly that day. I had left early, and I was glad to enter the coolness of the forest around noon. The stream was not hard to find, and I only had to follow it to finally see the altar. It was an old stone, covered in moss, engraved with the silhouette of a woman with wings.

I hesitated. I was afraid that nothing would happen, or that the rumors of demons stealing your soul were true. I finally placed the basket of apples and waited. Should I pray? Or should I make my request out loud? I pondered these questions when the apples suddenly disappeared from the basket and a small winged woman appeared inside. She was radiant, with a bright smile. A little fairy. She flew up to my face and made a charming bow.

"That was delicious, thank you. What do you wish to ask the fairies?"

So they were fairies. I was amazed. I stammered a few words trying to regain my composure:

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