I'm not a monster (Magical Boy)

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(Drawing by Hairyfood001)

(Character from Magical Boy : https://www.wattpad.com/story/273547970-magical-boy-%7E-english-version )

If it's red, it means it's recording, right? Good. I don't really know who will find this recording. Or even if anyone will ever find it. I just want them to stop chasing me. I am Taguchi Shoko. You probably know me, even if you don't know my face. Hehe... I don't even know what I look like. What can you do. Nowadays, invisibility is the most common mutation. It's not easy to live like this every day, but you get used to it.

My parents were normal, and they didn't feel capable of raising an invisible child, so they left me at an orphanage. I guess it's that place that made me who I am today. It drives me to want to protect the weaker ones. Because, I would have wanted to be protected. But I'm not here to talk to you about my childhood, whoever you are. I can imagine what you're going to think. It's true after all. The newspapers depict me as a former cop who lost it and savagely murdered a colleague and two civilians before kidnapping a child. You see, that's why I'm making this recording. How can you judge me based on a few paragraphs written in a newspaper? They just want to sell. You don't know the whole story. They were careful not to tell it.

So, yes, I did kill the victims they attribute to me. But I have a reason.

Let me start from the beginning. When I was a child, I wanted to become a hero. But invisibility is not useful enough in combat to enter Saurity, the hero school. You can do infiltration, and that's it. You can't go through walls, our bodies are invisible but not our clothes, so no gloves and we still have fingerprints. So, I turned to a less ambitious but equally deserving vocation: the police.

You know, I really love children... No. Not like that. I'm not one of those damn perverts!! ahem... what I mean is, I want to protect them. I want what's best for them. I can't stand to see a child cry. It breaks my heart when I see one having a tantrum in a store. So, yes, some children are unbearable... but it's their parents' fault. The children who become monsters, bullies, and later criminals, didn't become like that on their own.

So, you can imagine, I turned to the child protection squad. It was obvious. I couldn't do anything else.

One year.

It only took a year before I made my first mistake. I saw horrors almost every day. Poor kids living hell. I can assure you, it's shocking when you hear a 4-year-old child assure you that he wants to commit suicide, that he doesn't deserve to live. So... maybe I didn't had the nerves strong enough for this job after all. My colleagues often told me that.

When I saw that poor kid, with both legs and jaw broken, bruises on his face, while his drunken father was yelling at us to get out of his house, that he was going to kill the kid for daring to call us, I snapped. I almost pulled out my gun, but I was afraid of myself for a few seconds and I threw it away, before jumping on that filthy pig and beating him up! I think I broke his nose. My colleagues stopped me and I was suspended for a month. I don't care! That scum got what he deserved!

After that, I had a string of suspensions. I even almost got fired. The commissioner was a good friend, so he managed to arrange for me to stay.

I'm aware of it, you know. I know I lost my mind. My mind twisted and broke, more and more each time. Every child crying under the blows of a parent or guardian. Every little naked and lifeless body found in a river, a trash can, or a pervert's cellar! Every discovery of a kidnapped kid who saw the outside world for the first time. Little by little... I was sinking. I know it...

Then that day arrived. The one you all heard so much about, without really knowing what happened. I was coming back from a suspension, and the commissioner preferred not to immediately assign me to a case. So I was at the office, stuck there, answering the phone to send my colleagues out in the field. When that girl called... a very small, trembling voice on the other end of the line, I could barely hear her. She said she was scared. She said she was in pain. She said... she didn't like it when her father touched her. She said she wanted help, or she would die. All my colleagues were already busy. The commissioner then sent me with another colleague, and I didn't hesitate.

When we showed up at the door, that jerk dared to claim he didn't have a child! There was a swing in their yard! Did he really take me for a fool?! My colleague wanted us to leave. To come back with a warrant. And what else?! I kicked the guy's legs to make him collapse and I went in. The mother, she was there. She was holding the 4-year-old girl tightly by the arm. So tight that the girl was turning red where her mother was holding her. The poor child was thin. Her hair was tangled. She was wearing an old, dirty dress that was too big for her. There was so much distress in her big green eyes... this time, I pulled out my gun and aimed it at the woman. I ordered her to let go of the little girl. My colleague lunged at me to stop me... I liked him. Too bad. He got shot in the head. The woman was so shocked that she let go of her daughter. The father lunged at me too, and I let go of my gun. But, I'm trained. Being invisible has many advantages. Even if my clothes betrayed my presence, he struggled to know where to strike.

I grabbed him and squeezed my arm around his throat. He was starting to lose his breath, but it would have been much too slow. So, I broke his neck!

Then I pursued his wife in the house. That bitch tried to escape, but she didn't have time. I had more endurance than her. I grabbed her by the hair when she tried to climb out a window and I smashed her head against a table. As many times as necessary to turn her powdered face into a bloody pulp!

At that moment, the little girl, Sumira, could clearly have been scared. I feared she might run away. But... she thanked me by reaching out her arms. So, I hugged her. I was covered in blood, and I got some on her dress, but I was going to buy her a new one anyway.

I didn't want to put her in an orphanage. Or entrust her to strangers. I couldn't know how they would treat her. So, I decided it was time. Yes, the moment I became the father of the most incredible little girl I know.

She's lively, she loves discovering everything she couldn't have with her real parents. She's happy, and that's all I need to be happy too.

But... Sumira is not the only child in need of help. More than once, I've seen parents physically discipline their children. Teachers being too severe. Orphanage staff ignoring children's requests for affection. Shady men lurking near parks. All these people... all these people don't deserve to live! No one, ever, should raise a hand against a child! So, often, I follow them. I observe them. I judge them. And if their behavior doesn't please me, I slip into their homes and take care of them! Invisible, I can't afford to carry a weapon, so I use whatever I find. I slit their throats with their own kitchen knife. Smash their skulls with a hammer or against a wall. If I find nothing, I kill them with my bare hands.

But the children don't understand. They're afraid of me. Yet, I'm just here to help them. Sumira understood, though. I don't lose hope. One day, they will know that I just came to save them from these monsters. Maybe one day Sumira won't be an only child anymore.

So, to you who are listening to this recording, you see. I'm not a monster. I protect the children. I punish those who dare to attack the weaker ones. I'm not a monster. I just want my daughter to lack of nothing. And you probably suspect that living on the run isn't the best life for her. But maybe my story scared you? Because I'm not a monster... but if you are one, I might already be watching you...

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