Under my bed

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I'm afraid of the monster. 

I hear the creature growling under my bed as soon as the light goes out. I see the shadow of its long, deformed fingers coming out of its hiding place, then its eyes shining in the dark as its body follows. It whispers to me that it wants to play with me. With my head. That I should hide quickly. 

But it never does anything. They're just threats. I'm not afraid of it. It's just trying to scare me, but I don't think it will hurt me.

In the morning, I look under my bed, but it's gone. Strangely, I feel much better when it's there.

Tonight, I felt its presence again. Its hand slipped out of the bed, right in front of my face. 

"I'm not afraid of you, you know?" 

I said. At that moment, it seemed to freeze. It immediately hid again when it heard footsteps in the hallway. 

The monster was approaching, grumbling. He had probably been drinking again. He didn't come into my room because I locked it. But he had confiscated my key, claiming that at my age, I didn't have the right to forbid my parents from entering my room. 

My heart started beating very hard. I pushed my blankets into disarray and let myself fall to the foot of the bed, staring at the red eyes that were there. 

"Move over!" I whispered. "Make room for me!" 

The thing didn't dare move. I slid under my bed, pushing it myself. It seemed hairy, and its paws were as clawed as they looked. When my door opened violently, I put my hand over my mouth so as not to scream. 

My other arm was blue and trapped in a sling. The monster had broken my arm that very day. My eyes met the creature's when the monster snapped his belt. 

"Where are you, you little pest? Come here!" 

He threw my covers, opened my closet, then knelt to reach his arm over the bed. But it wasn't me he pulled out. The creature put its arm in place of mine and emerged from under the bed in all its height. From my hiding place, I saw the bottle of alcohol fall and shatter on the floor. 

"So, you attack little girls? What if we played, the two of us?" 

The monster started to stammer, then to scream in terror. 

"I'll teach you to touch my child!" 

An abominable sound of dislocated flesh resonated in the room, accompanied by the smell of blood spreading on the carpet. I decided to cautiously come out of my hiding place. The creature smiled at me, my father's head in one hand, his body in the other. He put me back to bed and took the corpse underneath. 

I wonder if it wasn't one of those monsters that live under the beds. I've heard a lot about them, but I never believed it. Because the monster lived in my house. 

And under my bed, it's my guardian angel.

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