Umbrella (Magical Boy/Resident Evil)

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(Character from Magical Boy : )

Do you know about the Umbrella Corporation? The youngest among you may not know what it is. After all, they officially went bankrupt in the 2000s, in 2004 I believe, and closed their doors. Officially... many researchers refused to lose the fruits of their labor so easily. Through illegal means, they continued their experiments in the shadows.

It was a multinational corporation, mainly pharmaceutical, but had expanded its activities to technology, agri-food, computing... they even had a cruise company. But that's not what failed them. In the shadows of their business, they were conducting experiments on humans to create biological weapons. Monsters of all kinds. However, when you play god, you don't go very far. Uchiri Corporation, their main competitor and also the family for which I work, knew this well. They always preferred technology to biology. One cannot control monsters.

All of that is very far away. Hehe... it's been over a hundred years already. Now, in 2117, people are so accustomed to mutations and powers that seeing monsters wouldn't surprise them.

So, why do I need to talk to you about this company if it no longer exists?

My name is Matsuura Thoki. I was born in 1902. And yes... I am really old. At that time, people with abilities were really rare, and it was better to hide. The Uchiri welcomed me into their home and in exchange for their protection, I gladly take care of their household. I do the gardening, the cleaning, the cooking. I am their driver. I take care of the children. A dedicated butler.

They have always been kind to me and have never treated me as a freak show or an anomaly. I was part of their family. And that's still the case after so many years. Ten generations that I have been with them.

But... you know, there was a time when I was far from them. Far from Japan. In Mexico, more precisely. During six month in 2007, I lived in a cage.

You'll never guess. Umbrella. Or at least, what was left of it. They were too present. Too implanted everywhere in the world to simply disappear. They had a laboratory hidden under Aztec ruins. Several of their scientists had gathered there to continue their abominable experiments.

They spotted me, I don't know how, and captured me. They conducted numerous tests to see how far my resistance would go. Locking me up with one of their biological weapons. Stabbing me. Slitting my throat. Shooting me at point-blank range. Dismembering me... even though my body regenerates on its own, it's painful. And the pain persists for several years.

But that's not the worst. No... the worst is that I wasn't alone in those cells. There were adults, children, animals. All subject to all kinds of experiments. I don't know how, but they had managed to find other humans like me. Not immortals, but who had powers.

The majority of the prisoners were, however, entirely normal people... and those children. Those poor children... Due to lack of space, one day they threw a kid into the same cage as me. An orphan from a nearby town. His name was Diego Relámpago. He was normal. I mean, he had no powers. He was just a child... he quickly became attached to me.

I tried to protect him... I tried to stop them when they came to take him to undergo whatever tests.

The Uchiri family eventually came to get me out of there. The scientists were in the middle of an experiment on me, I was unconscious. Medications, viruses, and sedatives have no effect on me, so to... "put me to sleep," they had gotten into the habit of drilling into my head all the time during their little operations. So that I wouldn't struggle. I get migraines just talking about it...

That day, when I opened my eyes, I was in the private plane of my bosses. I wanted to go back... I wanted to get Diego out of there, I had promised him! They assured me that they had informed the local authorities. That the Mexican army would take care of it and get all the victims out of there. For once, I resented them... they had come to get me and I am grateful to them... but they could have saved the others at the same time!

If I talk about it today... it's because I saw Diego again. Yes... 103 years later. He has become the right-hand man of a powerful and cruel smuggler. I don't exactly know what they did to him after I left. But there's one thing I'm sure of. They injected him with my DNA and that of others like me. Surely in the hope of making him into a weapon. He seems to have kept his conscience. He recognized me. But he resents me... and I can only understand that... Diego... I hope you will hear this recording. I didn't want to leave you... I didn't want to abandon you. I never wanted to... please... forgive me...

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