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(Image by Astral-Requin: )

What have I done? Was I really so bad in my life to deserve such a fate? Was my ten-year existence such a great insult to you? I stayed at home. I never sought to invade my neighborhood. I never came to destroy your beloved flower beds, kill your children, or call you monsters, despite your destructive behavior towards mine, towards others, and towards yourself. Do you really think you have all the rights over everything? How arrogant are you? Do you grant yourself the right to life and death over everything you don't understand, or simply refuse to understand...

Yes, ignorance leads to hatred. And you think you know everything. The most evolved, the most intelligent, yet always cursing those who live by their instincts, content to take what they need, but idolizing those who kill for pleasure, under the pretext that their intelligence rivals yours. Ah, for sure. You have the same interests.

Yet, I had hope in you. When I was caught the first time, by mistake, because I was attracted to your activity, you released me. I even had a few kind words, a friendly pat on the back, and some treats before being set free. I was in heaven. I convinced myself that I could trust you.

But you couldn't continue like this, could you?

That time, a treat had been placed just for me and I didn't hesitate. Why would I have doubted you? You who had treated me so well. But the trap closed on me. You caught me again. I remained calm. Until you approached that saw. Despite my pleas for an explanation, I had no answer. All I could hear was the hearty laughter as the blade pierced my flesh and broke my bones. Once. Twice. Three times. Four times... you took away my four most important limbs. I cried and screamed, but you didn't listen. Why did you do this to me? I who had so much trust in you? I who defended you when my kind called you monsters!

You threw what was left of my battered body into the water. You let me sink. I was helpless, I was drowning... the others watched me sink, powerless. They were unable to help me. And I certainly wasn't going to hope for your help anymore.

After all, humans, why would my fate concern you? I am a monster, right? According to you, I am the one who kills for pleasure. The one that needs to be put down. According to you, I am the problem. Now deprived of fins, tail, and dorsal fin, can I still be called a Great White Shark?

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