Look at me!

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For the next few days, mom and dad don't look at me. They act as if they don't hear me, too. Yet, I'm sure I haven't done anything wrong. I've been very good. I tidied my room and ate all my vegetables without any fuss.

I think it's been since our trip to the park, for my birthday. I'm 10 now! So I wanted to show mom that I was old enough to walk without holding her hand. At first, she said yes. She seemed to agree and even laughed.

But since we got home, she doesn't look at me anymore. She looks sad and cries a lot. Maybe she doesn't want me to grow up after all. I didn't do anything wrong, so it must be because of that.

So, I wanted to please her by taking her hand again. Mom, look at me. But she started screaming and crying. She ran to lock herself in the bathroom. Dad can't get her out. I took my dad's hand. He looked at my hand in his, then the wall, the floor. He avoided looking directly at me. He started crying too.

I don't understand it.

I feel like crying too.

Do my mom and dad not love me anymore?

"Oh, they do. Of course they love you. They love you more than anything in the world, my child. But that day, in the park, you crossed the road without looking and a truck hit you. Since then, they feel your hand. They feel it cold. They hear your voice, like a distant whisper, without discerning what you're saying. But they don't see you. You're no longer in their world. I'm here to come and get you. Don't worry about your parents. They will join you one day. In the meantime, you must be good. Where I'm taking you, there are candies, and you can eat as much as you want. Be good, and they will be proud of you when they find you."

"They will come soon?"

"Oh yes. In fact, your mother is already on her way. Take my hand. And let's wait for her together."

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