Smile Guy

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(112 is the european 911)

-112, ambulance and fire department, hello.

---(whisper) Please... please help me...

-Hello madam, can you describe your emergency to us?

---He's at my gate. My god, he's at my gate...

-Madam, pull yourself together, what's happening? Who's at your gate?

---I don't know what he wants... please... he surely wants to harm me...

-Madam, calm down. I need explanations to be able to send you help.

---I was woken up by a sound. A sound of scraping metal.

-Scraping metal?

---I... I thought it was the neighbor's dog scratching at my gate, so I went to see from my window but...

-What's your name, madam?

---Cindy... Cindy...

(a thud. Nails on glass)

---Aaah! He's at my window! At my window!

-Madam? What was that? What are those noises? Madam?

---He's at my window! Please help me!

-Madam, you need to tell me where you are and who wants to harm you.

---Tuileries street... I don't know... I don't know what it is. Please...

-I'm sending help, madam, stay with me.

---His face... when I saw it... my god, stop that noise... he's going to harm me...

-Madam, try to keep calm.

---His body is normal. His neck... his neck is very long...

-Very long you say?

---Very long... really long... my god... his eyes... they're empty...


---His head... it's perfectly round... he's bald. His mouth... my god, his mouth...

-Help is on the way, madam. Are you hiding?

---It's no use. He'll find me. He's here for me. His mouth... his mouth spans the width of his head...

(it's tapping against the glass)

-Madam? Where are you now?

---The wall... against the wall... I see him. His immense mouth... he's smiling... please let me go...

(glass shattering)



Breaking news. The body of Cindy Hoops has been found at her home. No fingerprints were found, but a window appears to have been broken. The young woman was reportedly decapitated. Her head has not yet been found.

 Her head has not yet been found

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