Nao (Magical Boy)

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(Character from Magical Boy : )

--It's your fault. You abandoned me.--

I don't really want to talk about it again, but well... my therapist and my family all assure me that it will do me good to record my story and listen to it from time to time. That it might help me... understand and forgive myself...

--I will never forgive you.--

My name is Kenji. I have an older brother and six younger sisters. Three pairs of twins. But the last pair wasn't born yet at the time. However, I also had a twin brother. We were born from the same sack. And we were inseparable.

--That's exactly the reason!--

I was a real coward. I didn't dare anything. Even a kiddie slide was too high for me. I was afraid of heights, afraid of insects, afraid of dogs. I think my own shadow made me jump once.

--You've always been a useless coward.--

...Nao, he was the brave one. The hero. While I trembled at the thought of stepping off a simple curb, he didn't hesitate to climb a tree to put a baby bird back in its nest. You see the kind of child. The one who dresses up as Superman at costume parties. He was much better than me... he always proved it, without boasting. It was just natural. He wanted to become a hero like our parents.

-- would have been one if you hadn't been there!--

He was already a hero. He came to the aid of children who were being bullied at school. We were always surrounded by friends... his friends.

--No one has ever cared about you.--

Then it happened...

--It's your fault.--

We were eight years old. Our parents were both on a mission and the school wasn't too far, so we could walk home alone. And they trusted Nao enough.

--Not you.--

So, we walked toward our house, greeting the shopkeepers on the way, whom we knew well from passing by so often. Nao was liked by everyone. He didn't hesitate to stop sometimes to help an old lady cross the street, a person whose bag had broken, or even a thirsty stray dog. And I just stood there, watching him with admiration.

--You've never been of any use.--

He would come back to me, and we would continue on our way hand in hand. That day was no different from the others... until it happened...

--It's your fault.--

There was a road that intersected with the sidewalk we were walking on and split to the right and left... ... a car came straight at us. It was driving at a frightening speed. In fact, the driver was drunk and had fallen asleep with his foot on the accelerator. He was heading straight for us. He was going so fast that we only saw him at the last moment... and Nao... Nao pushed me. He pushed me away from danger... but he... he was crushed between the wall and the car. He didn't survive...

--It's your fault. Your fault.--

It should have been me who died that day. Nao was the brave one, the hero. He should have survived! They did their best at the morgue... but they couldn't even make him presentable. We couldn't see him one last time. His body, his face, everything was too damaged. He didn't deserve that... everyone loved him.

--Unlike you.--

The doctors talk about chronic post-traumatic stress syndrome. I can't shake it off... I hear him. He blames me.

--Because you should have died.--

Medication sometimes erases his voice... or his image. I see him... I see him often. With his disfigured face and his dislocated body. He points at me. With a finger twisted by the impact. He still has metal shards in his skull... they tell me it's just in my head...

--It's just in your head...--

But it's so real... sometimes, he comes close to me and puts broken hands around my neck... I can feel his touch, his torn skin... until someone ends my episode...

--It's all in your head.-- won't work. I can never forgive myself... it's all my fault...

--I don't blame you.--

It's all my fault... I'm sorry, Nao...

--I'm glad I saved you.--

I'm sorry...

--Don't cry. I'll never leave you.--

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