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" I can't believe I lost all my money again, is my luck that bad?" Tsunade questioned as she took a sip of her drink.

" YOU LOST ALL OUR MONEY, how?" Shizune yelled as she watched Tsunade call for other drink.

"We'll I was winning at first, then I lost and I thought I could win it back so I played with a higher bet. Then next thing I know I lost six times in row" Tsunade whispered the last part hoping it would make it sound less terrible then it already is.

Shizune held up her pig as she sighed.

" I can't believe it."

" Don't worry your pretty little head about it I'll make the money ba-*Hiccup*"

" Yeah... I'm tired I'm head back to our hotel room and get some sleep." Shizune turned and walked out the door.

" Suit*Hiccup* your self" Tsunade looked at her drink as she thought of a way that she could make money.

The bell of the door rings as a Man entered he had on a black cloak that covered his head and face. He also had this arua around him that gave off stay away vibes as he walked to the empty chair next to Tsunade.

" Huh?" Tsunade felt the energy of the bar changed, turning to the source she stared at the man trying to find his face through the darkness of the cloak.

" Lady, are you going to pay this is like your fourth drink" The bartender said as he held the empty cup.

" look *Hiccup* put it on my ta-"

" it's okay I'll pay for her" The cloak man cut off

his voice was deep it had weight to it.

He gave the bartender the money and ordered a drink.

He got money Tsunade thought as a creepy smile appeared on her mind as she put on her best act.

" Soo~" Tsunade said in her best flirting voice

The cloak man looked at Tsunade as she tried her best to look sexy as she lowered her head and look up at him, her eyes never leaving his.

Taking the silence as a answer Tsunade continued.

" What brings *Hiccup* someone like you here~"

" Work"

"Hmm~ so what do you d-" Tsunade body began to shake as she looked at the man's hand.

When the man picked up his cup his cloak went down revealing his hand who had a little bit of blood on it.

Interesting The man thought as he noticed why she was shaking.

" I work as medical ninja, what about you" He said as he put the cup down.

Calming down Tsunade composed herself and took a drink out her cup.

" I was a medical ninja until I lost someone close to me. Now I can't even stand the sight of blood"

" Hmm, I lost someone to in the field I watched as she died infront of me there was nothing I could had done." His voice hinted sadness.

Tsunade didn't know if she was to drunk or her mind playing tricks but when she heard the guy say that. Somewhere in that dark cloak she saw a light for split second she felt connected to him like they had gone through the same pain.

Letting the feelings in the moment talk she just let out the first words she was thinking.

" wanna get out of here?.....

Tsunade tossed and turned as she felt the headache coming in.

Ugh, how much did I drink she thought as she got up, the sun ray hitting her face as she tried to recall what happened the night before.

So I was talking to Shizune then worrying about money then some guy came I told him if he wanted to leave and after that I can't remember. WAIT!?

Tsunade moved the blanket and found herself naked.

" Shit"

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