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He's late Yuki thought as he stood on the training ground waiting for Naruto.

Today they were going to continue chakra exercises so there Naruto could move on to learning Jutsus but when Yuki arrive to the location he didn't see Naruto who would usually be there earlier than him eager to get started.

Yuki waited as seconds turn to minutes he going to sit down till he felt his stomach turn.

I have a bad feeling Yuki walked out the training ground and head to the stores area of the village.

Jumping from roof to roof he scanned the street's below looking for Naruto but it was just people walking chatting amongst themselves, and store clerks managing their good outside the store. They were supposed to be training in the afternoon but now the sun is about to set as Yuki searched for his friend.

" Come over here look what we done to him" A man called out to other as they walked through the streets.

Yuki alerted decided to follow them.

" Finally we got the demon, and on the right day October 10th reminds him what he did to my wife." The man said as he stared at the unconscious Naruto laying a in pool of his blood.

" Yeah the little shit man just wouldn't stay down thank god we had a shinboi with us, made things a lot easier." Other man said as he held a knife.

In the crowd a man walked past the group to the front he had a Anbu uniform and a turtle mask he looked at Naruto body before turning to the crowd of men.

" Today marks the day of the demons death, we shall celebrate but do not tell a souls about what occurred today-"

The Anbu was cut off by someone landing next to Naruto it was a alleyway so he jumped off the roof. The Anbu whipped around to see a kid the same age knees down he had a black coat with white fur on the top of the hoodie and ends of the arms hold.

Wha- What Happ- Happened  Yuki thought as he stared at Naruto he was badly hurt and he had cut marks all over him leaking blood. Yuki notice his breathing was slowing.

Seeing this Yuki world seem to stopped as it turned grey everything seemed to slow down as he felt something warm go down his cheek.

Yuki slowly got up and turned his body to the crowd.

The crowd of men started to feel uneasy as they back up to the sight of the night and blood red eyes starring at them with killer intent.

"Mokuton" Yuki whispered as wood grew and covered their only exited. The crowd turning there heads to the anbu for a answer.

The Sannin kid? But how do he got the Sharingan? And why is he here The Anbu thought as he saw the crowd eyes on him he spoke.

" We need to take him out or else the Hokage will find out it's okay he only the same age as the demon we should be able to take him out." Anbu said getting nods from some and others yelling.

Yuki watched as the group started to running at him, he walked forward and held his hand out and made a sign and in a instant woods come out the ground implanted into three men's stomach raising them up to the ground as it looked like a skinny tree but instead of leafs there men on it.

This made some of the group running after him slow down as they watched there comrade get taking out with a one hand sign. Taking this as que Yuki pulled out his Kunai and started to run after them, after cutting the distance In a second he jumped on a dude and stab him in the chest and flipped off in the air throwing his Kunai into other man chest. Landing he dunked under a knife swing and grabbed the man hand and drove the knife into him and dragged his hand down with the knife. The man body fell as Yuki grabbed the knife and ran at other. As he fought one he would use his wood to stab others. Reaching out his hand he would make a sharp wooden stick and stabthe guy chest dragging him into other. Yuki dropped the stick making the body's drop to the floor.

The Anbu watched the scene as wooden branches covered the alleyway and blood dripping from them and body's all over the ground as Yuki stood there covered in blood. The Anbu is trained and seen many scene like this but as he lifted his hand holding the Kunai his hand started to shake. Shaking his head he ran up and throw his Kunai who was blocked by Yuki he was about to do a hand sign when he looked down saw wooden keeping him in place looking back up he was met with blood red eyes right in front of him before he could say something his head cut off....

Shizune had been looking for Yuki he was supposed to be home two hours ago it was late and this night felt colder then the rest. She didn't bring a coat so her body was shivering.

Where is he? Shizune thought as she felt blood lust coming from around the corner.

Turning around the corner she was met with a broken down wooden wall and a awful smell but what caught her attention was the pool of blood that surrounded the place and body's. She saw a figure walking up and saw Yuki holding Naruto as he was covered in blood.

Shocked Shizune ran after her little brother and stood in front of him as she notice his and eyes and then the badly hurt boy he was holding.

" He need to go to hospital like now" she said as she looked at the boy's injuries.

Yuki nodded

Shizune grabbed Naruto little body and was about to run when she turned around and said.

" head home now. If anyone see your eyes now there be a uproar." Shizune said as she started to run to hospital.

Yuki watched as Shizune body slowly faded into the distance as he shunshined away.

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